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  1. ArtMaybee

    New BLACK WHITE transom tie downs/tow loops..STAINLESS....BACK IIN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    These straps are awesome! I've been using the Yamaha version for years. Now that Yamaha no longer uses them to secure new skis in the crates it's cool somebody decided to make a reproduction. These are actually better than the yamaha ones since it's got the stainless ring. Yamahas were regular...
  2. ArtMaybee

    Super Jet 650 CDI / 701 (61X) CDI / WetJet 701 (61X) CDI - are they the same?

    Roo, if the CDI plugs up to the stator it should work fine. People have been running protec modded 6m6 CDIs for years. If in doubt, install and swap the cdi if the motor doesn't seem to rev out. Sadly, I have 3-4 CDIs where the writing isn't legible too. I've been thinking about doing the rev...
  3. ArtMaybee

    Super Jet 650 CDI / 701 (61X) CDI / WetJet 701 (61X) CDI - are they the same?

    6m6 stator and CDI will work fine with your 701. You will need to do one of the CDI mods or the lower rev limit will reduce performance though. My understanding is: 61x (early 701) and 6m6 (650) marked CDIs will work with either a 61x or 6m6 stator. 62t (later 701) marked CDIs have one...
  4. ArtMaybee

    sorry, already hooked my friend up with the only trim nozzle I had.

    sorry, already hooked my friend up with the only trim nozzle I had.
  5. ArtMaybee

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    though I'll be looking for a rubber cap for the end of the spring to keep from scratching the anodized plating off the bracket. Either that tool dip stuff or maybe the rubber caps they sell for blocking off vacuum ports is what I'm thinking. Any ideas on how to bend the springs if you don't...
  6. ArtMaybee

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    The umi style spring works. it doesn't go into the spring hole like the Blowsion one does. It just sort of sits on the pole mount. If I can get it bent properly for more tension it'll be great. It was easy to install and works, just has about the tension right now of a stock hp spring.
  7. ArtMaybee

    What kind of paint to paint carbs?

    Oh, I also want to say that the VHT satin epoxy paint that I get from Advanced Auto Parts is pretty nice if you are careful not to scratch or chip it. The color and gloss is almost IDENTICAL to the OEM black found on yamaha engines etc. I painted some parts of the last engine I built with it and...
  8. ArtMaybee

    What kind of paint to paint carbs?

    I normally try to stay away from paints that aren't catalyzed if I can help it. I've used VHT and other brands of epoxy aerosol cans. The stuff from Home Depot/lowes seems to be ok but not as tough as a 2k paint. Even after full cure the 1k aerosol epoxy is easily scratched and chipped. 1k...
  9. ArtMaybee

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    Actually, I think that spring is the UMI style or the 615 freeride spring. It looks just like the one I just bought. I got it to fit easily but with very little tension on the pole or no float to the pole. I've got to figure out how to best mount or mod the spring to work with the hazard bracket...
  10. ArtMaybee

    Super Jet confusing adjuster screw on my dual carbs

    any additional info on the tool you made to remove the stripped pilot jet? I have a carb with that problem and am going to need to remove it.
  11. ArtMaybee

    Super Jet Having hard time getting my steering right...

    Ive got a ski doing something similar. Except the nozzle is definitely not turning to the left as much as to the right. Im guessing its goint to end up being further adjustment needed.
  12. ArtMaybee

    300/440/550 cylinder bore

    Barely noticable and definitely not worth paying for a bore and pistons. Spend the money elsewhere for a much better improvement. Pipe, head, prop, sbn carb, porting, etc. You could have port work done for almost what the pistons and bore will cost you. Just make sure if you go that way to find...
  13. ArtMaybee

    Haven't heard of it... been away too long. Nice looking site though. Is one of those guys wasteland? I see the tag says something about twangled.
  14. ArtMaybee

    Freestylegeek's squarenose conversion

    Well... it may work well enough with the house foam but the expanding foam most definitely acts as a core adding strength to the rear of the ski. The house foam has seemed to do an adequate job for everyone who has used it. Packed in tightly it should perform almost as well as the expanding...
  15. ArtMaybee

    Freestylegeek's squarenose conversion

    Has anyone tried getting heavy mil contractor garbage bags, you can shape (cut) the bag, weld the pieces back together with heat or glue and then fill the plastic with foam? The plastic should keep water from getting in your foam to begin with. 8m not terribly fond of using cut styrene foam...
  16. ArtMaybee

    Who are gary and brock? Guess I've been out of the loop way too long.
  17. ArtMaybee

    SXR Top End Rebuild

    Ok, why does nobody mention that if you are going from stock standard bore pistons to forged... unless you have some major damage to cylinder walls, you can go with standard bore wisecos and have the cylinder honed for the proper clearance. The forged pistons require more clearance since the...
  18. ArtMaybee

    French hull discussion

    OK, I'm glad the guy decided to make a hull.. It looks like a nice hull. It doesn't look exactly like a rickter hull. It is close but oh well.. The only real problem I have would be buying a part from a guy who says the price of his hull is warranted because of how much better vacuum bagged...
  19. ArtMaybee

    superjet cdi modification

    I'm curious about whether anyone has removed the potting on a dead enhancer to see what the design looks like and what the similarities/differences are between them and the stock cdi. I wonder if they use a modified version of the stock design or if they went with a completely new design. If...
  20. ArtMaybee

    FATDAN's sn build

    The chopped up hull looks like its got potential. I'm guessing the PO used turf to cover very ugly fiberglass work. Curious to know how much it weighs. The revised shape looks good except for the back of the gunwales looking HUGE with the extreme dip at the front. Id have to try balancing that...
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