He's running race fuel, but it isn't C-12. This is per Baxter. What he runs has a VERY distinct smell and makes significantly more power than C-12.:sneaky:
It works VERY well. It has more features than you'll ever use and includes mounting hardware. Single wire inductive pickup and usable on nearly any 2 or 4 stroke motor.
I believe you'll find that you have the jetting for the single carb motor. The dual carb SJ usually run 75 ls/135 hs give or take. Here's a link to their spec for the dual 38 motor.
The Jetworks KB-35 battery charged with a Battery Tender will normally last several years with MSD-TL. I'm in my 4th season on my two and they've run nothing but TL. I don't live in Florida, though.:cool:
No proof, but I heard it from some racer guy.....he used to race back in the day and they had to tone down his boat because this wrench made it hit too hard.......even harder than the factory brand wrench........:outtahere:
Just for grins, unplug the stop switch to eliminate that. If that doesn't do it, I would also keep looking for ground/power issues. They like strong grounds.
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