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  1. crammit442

    24-7 backflip 7mm lamey build

    Yep. I thought you said you were getting a NEW crank???:thinking: I could be mistaken, but the flywheel end looks like it has had a seal running on it and small pitting right outside of where the seal rides(where water would be able to get to it). Looks cool, though!:Banane35:
  2. crammit442

    24-7 backflip 7mm lamey build

    You get the crank and get the motor all assembled? I want you to hurry up and put this thing in a boat so we can hear how the new cylinder works!:thinking:
  3. crammit442

    Another refoaming question.. well sorta

    State Farm covers ALL of my aftermarket parts and AM hull.:deal:
  4. crammit442

    pop off questions

    Aftermarket Mikuni's do NOT come with the returns drilled. They're only drilled out if they've been drilled out.:smile:
  5. crammit442

    Light weight hull manufacturers

    Chop glass hulls are not lighter AND stronger than OEM. They're either one or the other. Usually neither.
  6. crammit442

    AM Mikuni Billet Aluminum Velocity Stacks

    I don't know of anyone that sells them outright since most of them have a proprietary shape intended to put the carb signal at a particular location for it's given design. You might be able to get Brazina or Novi to sell you a couple, but I doubt it. The tops of the carbs have to be cut off...
  7. crammit442

    The Lake Erie Monster.

    "caught a 'hunerd' pound sturgeon on twenty pound test.......FISH ON":headbang: 2:14 in this video. YouTube - Primus - Fish On (Fisherman Chronicles, Chapter II)
  8. crammit442

    Light weight hulls...

    That's the truth. I know of a couple of hulls that have been broken pretty badly and have managed to be kept on the down low:tapedshut:, in part due to warranty promises. I also know of several "best for the money" hoods/nose pieces that are looking pretty tired after a year or so of use. I...
  9. crammit442

    Total loss runs great and then crappy

    What makes you so sure it has anything to do with the ignition system?
  10. crammit442

    Light weight hulls...

    I thought they were now.:smile:
  11. crammit442

    Light weight hulls...

    I have an XFT surf hull(62 lbs). I looked at all the builders and decided it was about the best I could do and Sergio is a good guy and easy to deal with. After owning it for close to two years I think I made the right decision. Most of the builders are getting better and making pretty good...
  12. crammit442

    X metal

    Assuming this is for the superjet in your signature, you already own the best waterbox(OEM) you can buy(IMO). You can get an X box w/o the T, but it will still be loud and your boat will NOT be any faster and only about 2 pounds lighter. Your wallet will be MUCH lighter, but shouldn't be any...
  13. crammit442

    Wiseco Flattops Help

    I always do. It's usually in the neighborhood of .014-.017.
  14. crammit442

    Compression & Dome Size on Ported Cylinder

    And that's with Art only boring it. Imagine what it would be like if he actually ported it.......:wink: J/K...Glad you got it working.
  15. crammit442

    Wiseco Flattops Help

    I'd agree with the .0055 clearance, but how did you derive the .022-.025 end gap? Wiseco recommends .004 per inch of bore which is only .013ish. I've never had any issues running them in that range.
  16. crammit442

    The Turfshop is open

    Nice looking work!:wink:
  17. crammit442

    Wiseco Flattops Help

    Where are the pistons that were used to bore the cylinders? I'm sure paul used a new set of pistons to decide exactly what size to bore the motor. You can't really bore the cylinders accurately w/o having the pistons to measure. Or is the cylinder not yet bored? If it's not bored yet, I'd...
  18. crammit442

    Kawasaki 650sx 61.3 mph. Noob can't ride

    That's because you're the MAN!!!!!!!!:notworthy:
  19. crammit442

    Are MSD Coil Wires Replaceable?

    MSD super conductor wire is anything but junk! I've NEVER seen one fail. Good RFI/EMI protection for ECWI/TL/CDI's too. Even bad strokers/shakers don't give the wires trouble. If there is a problem, either the coil itself is inferior or the wire attachment method at the coil is no good.:veryhappy:
  20. crammit442

    anyone heard from nikad?

    Don't be calling people out..........fool!:Banane26:
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