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  1. crammit442

    How reliable is Total Loss

    Indeed! Maybe more reliable.:veryhappy:
  2. crammit442

    New Shop On The Block???

    Not bashing you at all, but I would say that VERY FEW of the people spending the big bucks compete in anything. Most of the guys I know who have high dollar boats have no interest in competition. Just look at Chuck(CGRacing), Tricky, Joe(njfl), me, for example. All of us are just regular rec...
  3. crammit442

    Full Specs on Ebay

    I talked to Ed about them also. BossBailey bought them first and when we got ready to install the new throttle plates that Ed sent me for them we discovered they were not really 48's. After talking to him we figured out what they were. We sent them out to him and he said the wear from the plates...
  4. crammit442

    CG Racing- My Situation and My Feedback.

    Uhhhhh, ok???????:thinking:
  5. crammit442

    CG Racing- My Situation and My Feedback.

    Quote: Originally Posted by crammit442 1. I'm pretty sure your name wasn't mentioned. CG Racings SIGNATURE LINE ---- "Hey Ronny- you better tell your friend Kathy to teach Paul how to cook because his job as a motor builder in Done! Go shoot a picture of paul baking a cake on that dyno of...
  6. crammit442

    CG Racing- My Situation and My Feedback.

    1. I'm pretty sure your name wasn't mentioned. If your reputation is directly tied to Paul, then I guess you're in deep poop. Nothing I can do for you there. Speaking of reputations......might look into a change of screen name......I mean really. How old are you?:boggled: 2. I ate some. Food...
  7. crammit442

    All Vendors-please Read!!!

    Exactly my point. It may help "grow the sport", but the real reason is financial. Nothing wrong with that. It's to be applauded. Capitalism!!!
  8. crammit442

    All Vendors-please Read!!!

    I believe it would indeed kill a business. I'm sure the intent of this thread is good, but I don't know if this is the way to go about acquiring sponsorship. In this complete thread I haven't seen more than passing mention of value to the sponsor. Despite what some may tell you, sponsorships are...
  9. crammit442

    RAD flywheel puller

  10. crammit442

    What's best? Factory pipe- Dry or Limited?

    This was actually on a 750sx, but I was running an aftermarket 44mm mikuni carb with it. I thought the hit was more substantial and that it made better power all around. If you do get it, I'd look at finding a Microtouch/Jetworks water injection brain because the MSD brain that FPP includes...
  11. crammit442

    What's best? Factory pipe- Dry or Limited?

    I used both the wet and dry pipes on my 750. Despite the claims that the wet pipe was an earlier hitting pipe I liked the dry pipe better. Charles
  12. crammit442 Bash Session!!!!

    I heard the same thing......
  13. crammit442

    650 swap to 701 tuning questions

    White milky stuff is fuel/oil/water emulsion.
  14. crammit442

    X metal water box

    I'd say no. It's not a "bit louder". It's MEGA LOUD!!!!!! Evicted from the lake kind of loud and I believe most will lose performance. If (and that's a big if) you feel a performance increase it's most likely attributable to the use of a front outlet. I've seen them replaced with a stock...
  15. crammit442

    Open up and say.....

    If it's anything like the big ADA Art recently built Joe Kelly you're gonna be a happy camper. Hardest hitting boat I've personally ridden. Lots O' grunt! Looks awesome. Nice job! Charles
  16. crammit442

    msd total loss spark - pic

    That's awesome! FFFFFFFFFire!!!!!:headbang:
  17. crammit442

    just added ada head with 35cc domes

    With a primer on a cold motor.(IMO)
  18. crammit442

    Dyno Sheets

    Or a sales tool.........
  19. crammit442

    Calling out LPW (aka Pete's Rant)

    No matter what side you're on, that right there is the post of the year!:haha:
  20. crammit442

    Calling out LPW (aka Pete's Rant)

    Also interesting that there are never any torque figures shown. Since HP is derived from torque you'd think you'd see those numbers too.:scratchchin:
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