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  1. crammit442 Bash Session!!!!

    That about sums it up. Jeff's real talent is salesmanship. I've talked to Jeff a number of times and came away thinking he was cool and pretty smart. After seeing the stuff in person, my opinion changed. Not so good. Cheap is the primary thing WDK has on it's side. SOOOO MANY chances have...
  2. crammit442

    Which tilt

    If that's the case, something is installed or adjusted incorrectly. With my Blowsion system installed, if you snap the throttle with the trim pulled, you land on your back. Tell him to look further at his setup.:dunno:
  3. crammit442

    Waterdawg Foothold Install Day 1

    Lookin' good! You better hurry if you're gonna ride that this weekend.:biggrin:
  4. crammit442

    XFT replacement

    Sergio is good people.
  5. crammit442

    wamiltons vs WCF hulls

    EXACTLY!!!!!! I can't ride anywhere near good enough to NEED a race gas stroker and a light hull, but it sure is fun to ride.:09: That's all it's about for me. I don't have jetski goals or plans to improve my riding skills. I ride and wrench because it's fun and I like it!!!:biggthumpup...
  6. crammit442

    wamiltons vs WCF hulls

    I'd look long and hard at XFT. The construction techniques are modern and therefore much lighter and just as strong. My freeride XFT hull weighs right at 60 lbs. WCF and Wammer are traditional hand laid fiberglass and are ok but not exactly state of the art. The XFT competes favorably price...
  7. crammit442

    Stroker and MSD Enhancer?

    Yes. TL helps a lot!
  8. crammit442

    Stroker and MSD Enhancer?

    The ignition timing curve will be the same as with a stock stroke motor. Be careful with any static advance on pump gas. Charles
  9. crammit442


    Call Abe @ NorthGraphics. He was able to do some logos for me and it came out really nice! Charles
  10. crammit442

    jersey rager

    Hate that it worked out this way. I was looking forward to coming up this year. Thanks again for all the hard work! Charles
  11. crammit442

    sxr with .w f footholds ,jettrim rail caps

    Looks awesome! :woot:
  12. crammit442

    Bed Bugs and the NJ Crew

    Jetworks power!!!:brap: Wait til he gets total loss in it.:eek5:
  13. crammit442

    Broken piston

    Who did the port work on this motor?
  14. crammit442

    Jetworks Flow Control Valve.

    It's hard to check with a regular popoff gauge because you can't get sufficient volume to seat the ball hard enough to seal. For some reason, 4 psi comes to mind. The valve doesn't see a lot of water pressure where it's located because it's downstream of the bypass T. A 2 or 3 mm restrictor...
  15. crammit442

    Jetworks Flow Control Valve.

    Not really a pop recommendation, but I set mine so it opens around 3000ish on the trailer. Never had any trouble melting anything on mine with that setting, even when towing a boat. Depending on what, if any restrictions you have and then exact plumbing scheme you use, it might be safer to...
  16. crammit442

    XFT Foothold Question?

    Love my XFT's. Will put them in everything else from now on.:fing02: Can still kneel in the tray to rest with no problem also. Charles
  17. crammit442

    What oil does everyone use?

    Me too.
  18. crammit442

    SJ wiegh ins

    True, but when you are doing things like running aftermarket waterboxes to save a pound or two of weight it all adds up. Mag pumps add a few pounds as do full size batteries, etc. Just wondering so we have some kind of feel for what we're really talking about when we talk about weight. Also...
  19. crammit442

    SJ wiegh ins

    With battery and fuel? What pump? Keepers and other heavy things?
  20. crammit442

    Help!! my engine kills plugs like a MF!!!

    What compression and fuel are you running?
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