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  1. n0limits

    Freestyle freestyle tour

    I was joking with someone about swaping ride plates and racing the freestlye ski too.
  2. n0limits

    Freestyle freestyle tour

    I guess I got to. Ill have to get gil and terry to join. What about u?
  3. n0limits

    Freestyle freestyle tour

    Im assuming its taking place at the amphitheater which you can see from the 65 bridge. I know they a have a large floating pier but the shore in the area is a large concrete wall i was kind of wondering myself what they were going to do for launching, race starts, etc. There is some shore off to...
  4. n0limits

    Freestyle freestyle tour

    I'm guessing its because the city poured a lot of money into to river front development and needs events there pretty badly. I don't really know of any racers in the area but it is pretty cool seeing an event in my backyard. I hope we can get a good turn out.
  5. n0limits

    Lake Martin Freeride

    If gil puts on lingerie and rides will that make you decide to come........
  6. n0limits

    Lake Martin Freeride

    Where do you ride on martin ive been riding there for years.
  7. n0limits

    Lake Martin Freeride

    because every year, there is some sort of carnage. it was our group last year and the year before body
  8. n0limits

    Can we space it out a little maybe

    We usually go sometime towards the end of july or beginning of august Im not sure when we are planning on going this year. Even around then the water is alittle cold for us southern folk. Our place is on armstrong point if you happen to know where that is.
  9. n0limits

    Can we space it out a little maybe

    How far are you from shuswap my parents have a cabin up there and go once a year.
  10. n0limits

    Lake Travis 2011

    gotta love the wet bike
  11. n0limits

    Couch recommendation please

    my parents have a ultra 160 and a a honda they picked you used about two years ago it seems reliable and has average fuel consumption the beast does have a 20 gal tank which sucks to fill but it does seem to ride decent not ridiculously fast either. As long as they are non turbo they seem to get...
  12. n0limits

    2010 Piney woods takeover or Alex city invasion?

    im in just discovered this thread
  13. n0limits

    full spec vs black jack

    glad to hear your happy with it
  14. n0limits

    Gadsden crew

    shoot all he needs is his ski haha
  15. n0limits

    Gadsden crew

    who knows i could end up that way
  16. n0limits

    back fireing?

    could be timing...a while back mine did something similar but the fly wheel key had sheared causing the flywheel to move.
  17. n0limits

    Lake Martin ride official roll call thread

    had a great time wish it wouldnt have waited until were done rideing to quit raining but had a good time either way
  18. n0limits

    Lake Martin ride official roll call thread

    r u sure you want to pass that up
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