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  1. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Epic Pro build

    Apparently I am not subscribed to this thread... Ok fixed :)
  2. dbrutherford

    Helluva SXR issue...need analysis

    Yeah it was the weirdest looking stuff. I know for a fact it was water in mine but not sure why it was all cloudy and white. Once it all settled down to the bottom of my containers I put the siphoned gas in, you could tell it was water. It was clear then and the gas was that yellow tea color...
  3. dbrutherford

    SXR Weight saving

    "Just buy a Stupid Jet already" lol
  4. dbrutherford

    SXR Weight saving

    I ride Kawasakis. I won't dare say that awful word!
  5. dbrutherford

    Someone please help me understand!!!

    PWI didn't send me two issues when I first started getting their magazine years back. It was two issues in the middle of my subscription. I didn't move, change my address, nothing. So I called them and they said they would send me those two issues or extend my subscription by two issues. I...
  6. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    Sounds exactly like me. I mowed lawns every summer and busted my but from 10 until 22. I also had a paper route for about 8 years. You'd think all that tax free money from mowing lawns I made those years would be looking good in some kind of investment huh? Nope, I blew it all on stupid...
  7. dbrutherford

    DASA announcement

    I hope you don't have any credit cards, student loans, or vehicle payments too. Are you the one I bought the double shorelander trailer off of? I lived in Altoona, PA then. I put some tires on it and it has been good ever since. This winter it will get new wheel bearings too.
  8. dbrutherford

    Helluva SXR issue...need analysis

    I blew and engine once because of water in the gas. The rear rod sawed the engine in half. I would never believe it was water in the gas except I siphoned all the gas out into clear plastic jugs. There was this cloudy milky white hair conditioner looking stuff floating around in the gas until...
  9. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    There isn't alot of ADA cylinders out there so I would just stick to stock and your own cylinders.
  10. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    That is why I am am thrilled to have a company car and my personal ride, a 1995 Ford Ranger. Sure I have to spend some cash on repairs every now and then but it sure beats paying $500 a month for a new ride! It is even nicer now that I have a company car and I don't even pay the gasoline to...
  11. dbrutherford

    Kaw. brakes locking up

    Check the floating caliper pins, make sure they are greased. Then check the pins the brake pads hang on, if they have any grooves in them, replace them.
  12. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 212 HP 650cc X2

    Yeah they were proved to be fakes... but he did post them :) lol
  13. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    That and two medical bills turned into collections because I was fighting with the insurance company about paying them, a long story. Also being past due 120 days on the Mastercard three years ago because I couldn't afford the payment and was fighting with MBNA about being put on a repayment...
  14. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    If you ask me, that really isn't a good idea. Part of your FICO score comes from the length of credit. Keeping a card just for the introductory rate of 0% usually 6 month to a year at most and then canceling it or balance transfering it to another just creates a long list of former creditors...
  15. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    I know, she is great :) here's to the good old bank of mom :Banane35: Several months ago when you said to just pay her off in one lump some, I declined and kept making the set payment amount each month until I paid off the moving loan she gave me. So just like any lending institution, I...
  16. dbrutherford


    Oh now, at one time it was the best job you could have dreamed of.. before you started work that is. lol Just remember, I was the one who said stay in school.
  17. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    Well I have one for everyone. This December made 3 yearsd since I have charged one single penny on a credit card! Sad thing is though I still owe $3100 on the card I have now. I could have paid it off easily by now if I hadn't bought half the ski parts I have bought in the last year. But I...
  18. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    JP how much do clothes cost in the Matrix? Nice one Edwin!
  19. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 212 HP 650cc X2

    Well he "did" post pics...
  20. dbrutherford

    Pump mod or stock? Check that out. I am not too familiar with the new Kawasaki sit downs but I saw this on eBay...
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