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  1. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid X2 #2 Mach 6 build

    How bad do you need a hood? I have one I chopped the liner out of. It still has the place for the hinge to bolt up to. It isn't perfect because I f'd it up in a spot or two but it would be perfect for what you are trying to do. I kept it to make a mold off of it but my fiberglass mold making...
  2. dbrutherford

    Thought I would show off my stand.

    I believe I saw a stand once that had a basket you could attach to the base and have a place to put tools and such. Here are the pictures of the wooden stand I made.
  3. dbrutherford

    Thought I would show off my stand.

    You guys have an idea of the cost involved? A month ago I bought a Superior Watercraft stand off of the guy on eBay. It cost me about 180 shipped. I figured in the time and effort I saved, it was an ok deal. ebay screwed me and wouldn't let em use a coupon I found online for 10% off. I...
  4. dbrutherford

    is 750 style exhaust > 650 style exhaust?

    Factory Pipe Products = FPP
  5. dbrutherford

    is 750 style exhaust > 650 style exhaust?

    I would get a 750 FPP. Either a dry pipe if you want speed or a wet pipe if you just rec ride or do freestyle. Stock 750 pipes are bean cans, they suck. The stock 650 pipe actually looks like a pipe to me with the converging and diverging cones. West Coast used the same pipe on both...
  6. dbrutherford

    Coolest X-2s and other stuff

    I have a Microsoft Word file of the article I copied and pasted from R Pot's website years back. If you like an X2, then it is right up your alley. It is deffinetly a cool machine! Reminds me of the Nicholas Trident. I need more friends like yours! If he had one of these his...
  7. dbrutherford

    66E TYPE9 Exhaust System

    Where have I been? Looks good to me!
  8. dbrutherford

    Chain oil

    I will say I noticed the difference a new rear tire made, best mod for any dirt bike is a new rear tire!
  9. dbrutherford

    Chain oil

    No crap, the chain will wear itself into the chain guide? Man I learn something new every day... Welcome back Hater Hypes! I wouldn't run an o-ring chain on a 125 unless I rode in a bunch of mud. It will rob hp and 125's need all they can get. I wouldn't sweat it on those 200's...
  10. dbrutherford

    Chain oil

    I always went by the rule 250 and up had o-ring chains, under that, no o-ring. I know on some bikes the chain guide is smaller then an o-ring chain width.
  11. dbrutherford

    Cleaning up and "improving" my ski

    Looks like a PJS exhaust manifold, PJS Exhaust pipe, Old school Mikuni BN carb, size unknown without measuring but I would bet 44mm, an SBN 44 would be a much better carb but you do have the intake for it since they use teh same intake, Jet Dynamics intake grate. It has been painted but the...
  12. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid X2 #2 Mach 6 build

    That is just what Vumad proposed years back. I have been thinking one big open hood would be better for working on an X2.
  13. dbrutherford

    X2 Homecoming ?

    If you think I slacked last year, man I really have been this year. Would you guys recommend: a) stock SXR flywheel/electrics b) light weight TBM charging wheel and Advent electrics c) MSD Total Loss d) Stock Kawasaki 650 electrics w a Jetinetics wheel I was leaning towards the MSD...
  14. dbrutherford

    General-X Build, 1100 Kawi in a X2

    I have a Coffman 1100 pipe and a complete core 1100 long block engine I keep saying I am going to build up one day. I think I will just do the conversion into an SXR because there is a lot more room. But I am excited to see the finished project. Good luck! Forgot to add a few good...
  15. dbrutherford

    X2 Homecoming ?

    Well I for one didn't know of the other format beacuse I for one hardly ever post over there. Then again I hardly post over here because Wedo continues to put down my lack of X2 buildage.
  16. dbrutherford

    Other Underwear saves the day

    That is why I wear undies under a wet suit. It just makes changing easier.
  17. dbrutherford

    Other Underwear saves the day

    I thought the same thing. lol
  18. dbrutherford

    FX1/144mm Bottom Replacement

    Man I can't believe I missed this thread two years ago. I would really like to make my own hull one day...
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