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  1. dbrutherford

    Smurf Fight!!! Final 2008 Cleveland Video

    No talk of DJ not wearing a life jacket and no hood on his ski? I think Brian should have just threw a big roll overtop of the coucher and punched him in the face while upside down. Problem solved!
  2. dbrutherford

    is this thing legit?

    I hear ya. I have never owned an RX7 but I would like one of each generation and an RX8 too. I am sure you have seen 20B swaps before, nothing new there. As far as the Sea Doo swap goes, there was a guy a few years back named Rexx Grudge Motorsports that was doing exactly that! I had his...
  3. dbrutherford

    is this thing legit?

    You need a 20B engine in there :)
  4. dbrutherford

    Better than yours 550 freestyle build.

    Thanks Susie but I am a Kawie guy... nice blaster but I wanted to see a pic of you really.
  5. dbrutherford

    My -2" Trinity EVO XF build..Let the fun begin!!!!***WEIGHED***

    There's the nuts! Looks good, I am jealous. Give em a Trinity and a conversion hood. That way you have the best of both worlds (stand up and X2 like ski).
  6. dbrutherford

    Better than yours 550 freestyle build.

    Susie we need a bigger pic of your avatar :)
  7. dbrutherford

    best price on new OEM yamaha parts?

    Yeah what Gil said! Call Brian at Thrust or PM Virgin on here for the best deals.
  8. dbrutherford

    Maddison Freestyle Las Vegas

    Gil quit running your mouth before I have to come down there and show you how to sweet talk the water cop lady out of your tickets! I tell you what all is sick... Charlie busting out sick airs on the sea couch! Post up a bogger pic SFL!
  9. dbrutherford

    Riding Gloves

    I had a pair of slippery reforms... they fell apart :( So did any MX gloves or mechanicx wear gloves I tried. I also bought a pair of neoprene gloves from a Gander Mountain store for colder weather and they fell aaprt too. This year I will get a good pair of those water skiing gloves, they...
  10. dbrutherford

    X2 carbon parts I am working on.

    Yeah I have been toying with the idea of converting a Magura hydraulic clutch kit from a dirt bike or ATV for trim. R Pot used to sell a trim system like that. Those hydraulic tubes are pretty small. i bet you could fish it down inside the stock trim cable tube.
  11. dbrutherford

    My -2" Trinity EVO XF build..Let the fun begin!!!!***WEIGHED***

    You need some pretty case nuts...:poke: I am suscribed and watching now.
  12. dbrutherford

    who sells 5200 locally>???

    A Gander Mountain in Huntsville, AL had it when I lived there.
  13. dbrutherford

    Gil's Gone Wild

    Gil you should save a few bucks for the Water Cop Lady. Maybe if you take her out for a nice dinner she won't be such a bioch towards you...
  14. dbrutherford

    hello (kawasaki x2)

    A bunch of newbs over there. I feel bad for Wedo having to tell them constantly to use the search... I clean my storage building up some on Christmas, does that copunt? I am trying to stay off teh internet at work too, I guess that isn't working... I actually found that hood Wedo, I will...
  15. dbrutherford

    Installing t/l learning curve

    I don't know if you can get out of the dead sticker citation but I sure would try. Where did they give you a ticket at? Speegals? That sucks balls Gill, I got a no wake zone ticket once and was PO'd to high he!! and back. I was going as slow as humanly possible on a stand up. Oh well...
  16. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    I was meaning the old two stroke WR's, I didn't realize he meant the four strokes. In that case, there ins't much difference between a YZF and a WR.
  17. dbrutherford

    Looking for 1st dirt bike.

    BK I have to differ with you there. A WR and a YZ of the same year may be close but not really, Yamaha dropped the two stroke WR a long time ago. That is like saying a KDX is the same as a KX or a Suzuki RMX the same as an RM. An enduro bike and an MX bike are worlds apart. Enduros are a lot...
  18. dbrutherford

    Other Composite Question for the Guru's

    Well I would but I want a new dirt bike, however my wife won't let me... oh wait that is you! Just bustin your balls. I always said if I won the lottery I would get a suit made from whole sheets of 100's. I thought that would be pretty cool. Then again if I won the lottery I would probably...
  19. dbrutherford

    Other Composite Question for the Guru's

    Not real sure if this can be done but I had a little idea. Say you make some molds and want to pull your own fiberglass/kevlar, carbon fiber, ect parts made from polyester, vinyl ester, or epoxy resins, ect... When you lay up your first layer, could you use one dollar bills to form the...
  20. dbrutherford

    Titles and H.I.N. plates.

    Well just think of all the help you get to give DJ when he does his ski! Seriously, I am glad it all worked out. I learned my lesson with HIN's and Titles with the first two ski I bought. And they ahd all the right paper work! But from now on, a title & bill of sale, all signed, notarized...
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