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  1. fastgtfairlane

    BA Freak (155 conversion) & carbon circus

    That's exactly what I told you to do is keep the badass and put a smart engine in it haha
  2. fastgtfairlane

    BA Freak (155 conversion) & carbon circus

    Gotta hit the wake right off the back of the boat for maximum send. I also am curious how much water you ingested through the open style air filters. How does it ride compared to the badass other than being shorter? A local guy has a -9 titan. I haven't ridden it yet. He seems to like it as it's...
  3. fastgtfairlane

    Friend's brand new 750 build. One ride. I think his bores are a bit loose?

    This is exactly why you have to actually measure the bore after honing to make sure it's not too loose. Had to be super loose in order do that on the first ride after the build.
  4. fastgtfairlane

    Cut WDK RIP hood to fit stock 62T airbox?

    Those look very nice. I found your thread recently and have considered buying a set. I don't like open style filters especially on a surf or rec style ski because of water getting into the engine. Crankshaft aren't cheap.
  5. fastgtfairlane

    550sx Sponsons

    My 550 had the ocean pro ride plate on it with a pjs top loader intake grate when I got it. I rode it for a season with it like that.. it porpoised really bad and no amount of weight forward helped. I ended up finding a "shredmaster" intake grate/ride plate combo "surf" version and ran that...
  6. fastgtfairlane

    Cut WDK RIP hood to fit stock 62T airbox?

    Your other option would be to try to find 2 js440 stock flame arrestors. They're metal and low profile. Plus they don't let water in the engine.
  7. fastgtfairlane

    Custom/Hybrid 300sx not a BOB

    A friend up in VA built a 300sx very similar to yours. He basically grafted in a square nose bottom deck to the 300sx top. He's running a 144 pump with a lpw 735 I believe. It rides like pure poop but he has fun on it and it will flip off a boat wake. Personally I like your build a little...
  8. fastgtfairlane

    Is the sport / market declining?

    My superfreak with a jet maniac waterbox and tnt ss chamber with the center bleed exit vs the straight through exit tis much quieter than a regular superjet chamber.
  9. fastgtfairlane

    Is the sport / market declining?

    I personally will not even entertain or be open to an electric jetski. I'll give up the sport before I cave to that nonsense. I wish more people could see how deceptive this technology is. Anything used for good can just as easily be used for evil as well. There's a big reason for the green deal...
  10. fastgtfairlane

    broke my stock bars; suggestions for replacement?

    Definitely time to upgrade your stock steering for a quick steer setup with straight bars which will help get your weight forward for better handling. The options for superjet steering systems is pretty endless. I'm personally a fan of the over pivot or ovp steering systems because they give you...
  11. fastgtfairlane

    Lean spark plugs?

    depending on your impeller pitch and pump load, your jetting is pretty close. you could probably go to a 130 or 135 main. nothing wrong with being a little rich, your engine will last much longer. if the engine runs good, has no hesitations or hiccups anywhere then id let it rip. to tune you...
  12. fastgtfairlane

    Carter B SN kit ride reviews

    i had a round nose with the carter b kit on it. it was also cut 4 inches shorter in the rear. yes you still get splashed in the face with it but it does handle well in the surf and gives more pop when flipping off boat wakes. i havent ridden a sn with the rocker nose but id imagine it is very close.
  13. fastgtfairlane

    Is the sport / market declining?

    the only way to keep the sport around is to pass the knowledge and get the next generation on it so they can continue the sport otherwise it will quickly die out.
  14. fastgtfairlane

    Best Ride Plate for the 2008+ (e.g. 2019) 2-Stroke Super Jet ?

    only thing that your superjet needs for handling is a shorter pole and preferably a ovp steering system to be a solid handling ski. this is speaking for rec use, not racing.
  15. fastgtfairlane

    Best Ride Plate for the 2008+ (e.g. 2019) 2-Stroke Super Jet ?

    I like flush cut stocker for general riding.
  16. fastgtfairlane

    701 runs like a stabbed rat for 15-20 seconds, then sounds like it's being choked out.

    I've learned the hard way to always do a leak down before disassembly and after a rebuild. Never know and it eliminates the possibility. It could have had a very small one that got a little bigger and didn't show it's face until a little later. I don't really think it's your issue but it's...
  17. fastgtfairlane

    Is the sport / market declining?

    I found a boring machine that a friend bought that is not going to use. I'm planning to buy it soon once I get set up in my new house that has a nice oversized 2 car garage with a car port out back. I have some cylinders to practice on and hope to be able to offer quick cylinder boring or nozzle...
  18. fastgtfairlane

    701 runs like a stabbed rat for 15-20 seconds, then sounds like it's being choked out.

    Sounds like ot could be ignition related. Also did you by chance do a leakdown test to make sure you don't have any air leaks?
  19. fastgtfairlane

    Best Intake Grate for the 2008+ (e.g. 2019) 2-Stroke Super Jet ?

    Not a superjet but I don't have an intake grate on my superfreak badass and love it that way. It can get a little loose when trying to go around a body course on it but other than that I love the way it handles. It's a surf/boat chaser and it depends heavily on weight placement to stay hooked...
  20. fastgtfairlane

    Octane Just Picked Up

    Pjs also makes a nice finger throttle that looks similar to the blowsion "pro" throttle you're looking for. I replaced my blue blowsion throttle with a pjs throttle. It's very comfortable. The older blowsion model is fine if you have big hands otherwise the reach can be a bit much.
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