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  1. fastgtfairlane

    Mat removal

    Oscillating tool followed up by a random orbiter sander and some 80 grit makes quick work of old turf.
  2. fastgtfairlane

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to increase tighter nozzle steering

    The blowsion HD cable is a lit stronger than a stock steering cable which will make it a little tougher to install. But a great cable. I have one in my ski and it is about 4 years old still holding up well..
  3. fastgtfairlane

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to make ski more nimble/playful ?

    The sweet spot on a stock length superjet is to have the bars basically even with the back edge of the hood. As far as bars go, I prefer risers with the ovp steering. I tilt them back around 45 degrees and they feel really comfortable to me that way. I tried 4 degree bars from rrp and found I...
  4. fastgtfairlane

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to make ski more nimble/playful ?

    D cut rideplate, shorter pole, tubbies, lower hood. Ovp steering and of course more power.
  5. fastgtfairlane

    Anyone Fit a Blaster Mod Chamber in a SJ?

    You can also use the stock sj stinger to waterbox hose with a bushing on the stinger. I have a tnt ss chamber that is very similar to the blaster mod. You'll need to slightly massage the chamber where it rides against the hull about 2 inches from the coupler ring. I purchased the silicone hose...
  6. fastgtfairlane

    Mixing Gas

    At wavedaze a few years ago, some dudes had a jammer with the 500 engine in it. They decided to zip tie the throttle wide open and see how long iy would run before it grenaded it melted down. Sucker ran for 15 min wide open out of the water before it shut down. After about 11 minutes it started...
  7. fastgtfairlane

    Carburetor (specs) Database: SuperJet and Blaster 1

    The stock jetting for 38s on a 62t is 70 pilots, 130 mains, 1.5 n/s, 115g spring. I believe the popoff is around 55psi. Since you have the open style flame arrestors you'll need to lower the popoff. I believe just replacing the spring with a 95g (reverse wound) would get you close. If you have...
  8. fastgtfairlane

    Freestyle 2010 Bob vs. Krash Footrocket

    ive never ridden a eme hull before. did have a friend that bought a eme q8 for a short time. it ran a kawi driveline. everything was designed a little different on that ski. the handle pole bracket was basically bolted to the sides of the hull and the handle pole was between it. that i wasnt a...
  9. fastgtfairlane

    Carb Theory & Practice

    i have found 25psi popoff with a 2.0 n/s 95g spring to be the sweet spot at least for me on popoff. this is with 44s or 46s and using a 61x style flame arrestor with 1 screen. then ill adjust jetting accordingly. at 25psi, i can get excellent throttle response and no fuel dribble. i prefer to...
  10. fastgtfairlane

    Carb Tuning (dual 44s 64x w/b pipe)

    It would be worth it to put a zeel ao2t cdi in there for a nice bump in power.
  11. fastgtfairlane

    I ordered turf from TEMU

    I used some 1/2 and 1 inch undermat from here. It worked great, was cheaper than hydroturf undermat plus you get almost twice the material.
  12. fastgtfairlane

    Carb Tuning (dual 44s 64x w/b pipe)

    Assuming those are oem 760 sbn 44s. This should be a starting point for you that should get you close. 2.0 n/s 95g spring @25psi popoff (assuming stock flame arrestor with 1 screen) 115-125 pilot 120-130 main 1 turn out both adjustment screws Again this is a starting point. I'd start with 125...
  13. fastgtfairlane

    62t RN build advice

    Stock carbs are designed for stock engines. Sure they'll work decent on a modified engine, but you're leaving lots of power there. You have to pick one: horsepower or fuel economy. Op already has dual 46s available, so why not run them?
  14. fastgtfairlane

    62t RN build advice

    I have basically the same setup you're wanting to build with the exception that I'm running dual 44s instead of 46s. If I did it again, I'd go with 46s for the reason of not having to go bigger if I went bigger on the engine. I've seen 48 full specs on 701s before so dual 46s will be good...
  15. fastgtfairlane

    Super jet ride plate for old fat guy

    Shorten the pole 4 or so inches and you won't need a longer ride plate.
  16. fastgtfairlane

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to increase tighter nozzle steering

    The difference is in the cable itself. It doesn't have the same amount of throw as fhe older cable.
  17. fastgtfairlane

    Freestyle 2010 Bob vs. Krash Footrocket

    You couldnt pay me enough to ride a Bob hull personally. Between the Bob and the krash, I'd go with the krash all day but as others said, there's much better options out there. No hull is completely perfect in every regard, they all have pros and cons. Personally, for ride quality and looks...
  18. fastgtfairlane

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to increase tighter nozzle steering

    I noticed on the hsi adapter that goes on the nozzle. You have the cable bolted to the outer most hole. This will reduce the total throw. To increase throw, move the cable to the inner most hole on the nozzle and the outer most hole on the steering plate to achieve max throw. The 08+ cable...
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