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  1. Skirunner24

    "Budget" KDX Build

    @Harbor ...They're about the same length. From what I understand this kdx is a little longer than the current kdx (with some other changes). I wanted something a little longer though that I can use as a free ride ski as well. The lake I'm on gets some pretty decent wave action being almost 27...
  2. Skirunner24

    "Budget" KDX Build

    It was @Tommygunz pump that he was running in his hurricane. I'm sure he can better explain why. From what I understand, it's a gp 155 housing sleeved down to a 148. This was apparently a big thing for racers back in the day. I hear they're somewhat difficult to find.
  3. Skirunner24

    "Budget" KDX Build

    After a lot of internal debate, I impulsively decided to buy Chadman's KDX a few months ago (keepin' it in da WI family yah hey). Since I spent a little bit more than I was hoping on the hull, my motor setup will be a bit more on the mild side until I can afford to step into a bigger motor...
  4. Skirunner24

    Ski on back of my boat

    That's exactly what I want to do with a 25 foot Baja Outlaw...any pics?!
  5. Skirunner24

    PHP Crew Gettin' After It

    Those are 180 hop to flips [emoji6]
  6. Skirunner24

    PHP Crew Gettin' After It

    Saved the best for last ... @Tommygunz - Having more fun on a Jetmate than his tricked out Hurricane.
  7. Skirunner24

    PHP Crew Gettin' After It

  8. Skirunner24

    PHP Crew Gettin' After It

    Pics from the ride last weekend at the top secret spot...
  9. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    Surf has been nonexistent the last two weeks...killing me! Future forecasts don't look promising either. Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
  10. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    Looking for a good laugh? I'm sure I'll have my gopro on... Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
  11. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    Waiting on decent surf.... Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
  12. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    Not helping guys... Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
  13. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    I definitely agree with the whole "ride with guys that are already flipping" statement. When I was in Daytona, I wanted to try so F'in bad with everyone flipping around me...until I lawn darted my ski Thursday and split the nose open. Then I was spooked with the shallows the rest of the...
  14. Skirunner24

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Looks great man! Finish it up and get up to Hampton! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  15. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    No trim for me so I've gotta go a little bigger, but my SJ is already -4... all good advice guys... no excuses! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  16. Skirunner24

    Surf Backflip Motivation Thread

    Alright guys, as most of us on the X have been dreaming, I have long been seeking the ability/nuts to backflip. I know my ski is capable, it's just a matter of my mental state. I can stab, corkscrew (3/4 - full rotation stab), and cleanly roll and ride out. My last frontier (as far as amateur...
  17. Skirunner24

    Other garage full of jet skis

    Wow.... ^ You win!
  18. Skirunner24

    Other These could get interesting!

    This happens somewhat frequently at our spot in NH (Hampton Beach). Occurs at the sandbar right at the end of the harbor breakwall. The area is called The Washing Machine. As stated above, its like hitting a trampoline. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  19. Skirunner24

    Rickter XFS PHP898 build

    Same here. We're usually running the boat to Streiches and hanging there every weekend all summer. We bring the skis down and run the river wakes when bago is too choppy. Shoot me a message if you're ever looking for someone to ride with...
  20. Skirunner24

    Super Jet Best air filter freestyle

    Stock. Been a/m... Went back to stock. Why waste the money?
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