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  1. Skirunner24

    Rickter XFS PHP898 build

    Awesome ski! Where do you ride in the valley? I grew up on the north end of lake winnebago. My parents still live there. I'm moving back from Boston in a couple months and will be doing a lot of riding in the area. Always looking for others to ride with!
  2. Skirunner24

    Freestyle Chadmans Carbon KDX build powered by PHP

    I'm gonna have to meet and ride with you guys at some point this summer. Moving back from Boston this spring. Need to make the tough transition from surf back to fresh lol. Thinking a php motor would help with that transition... I grew up riding the north end of Winnebago in Menasha. Sent...
  3. Skirunner24

    Other What to do about RCW. The brawler boys

    Well...this hull isn't making my short list anymore!
  4. Skirunner24

    *UPDATE!!*X-h2o beer/can coozies-What's the next color gonna be?

    I'd do 5... Green is my preference
  5. Skirunner24

    Want To Shorten Hull

    I see your from MA... Where about? I'm in boston and we have a good group of guys that often ride out of hampton beach...
  6. Skirunner24

    Want To Shorten Hull

    I cut 4 inches off and did it with the tray still intact. (not much fun but doable) If you already have it open, it's a no brainer. I'll probably never NOT shorten an SJ hull in the future while defoaming. Love the way it handles. Rips turns on a dime compared to stock IMO.
  7. Skirunner24

    2014 Daytona Freeride Pics

    Gomez!! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  8. Skirunner24

    2014 Daytona Freeride Pics

    Big thanks to the dude that had the extra pole! Third times a charm right right! ? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  9. Skirunner24

    2014 Daytona Freeride Pics

    Ya...this was thursdays wreckage. Held up great until the the last ride today. Been a tough couple days haha Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  10. Skirunner24

    Snapped pole today. Long shot, but...

    Sold... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  11. Skirunner24

    Snapped pole today. Long shot, but...

    Ya I've seen that... hoping more for a quick on the beach fix. Hoping someone may have a broken pole or something laying around...haha Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  12. Skirunner24

    Snapped pole today. Long shot, but...

    Anyone have a RN pole base bracket for sale? All I need is the bottom bracket that slips over the base of the pole itself. May just buy a new pole too... Been a rough daytona start for us haha Snapped it after a few rolls on my last ride out Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  13. Skirunner24

    2014 Daytona Freeride Pics

    Early Carnage! Daytona shallows got me! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  14. Skirunner24

    Surfriding Register online?

    Dont have access to a printer at the moment. ..assuming showing paypal receipt email on phone would suffice? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  15. Skirunner24

    Convince me to backflip!

    This thread is making me anxious. I'm in the exact same spot developmentally speaking as IWannaYama. Really hoping to make it around next week in daytona! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  16. Skirunner24

    Shortened my RN and...

    Haha. I'm in the exact same boat. Agreed... Definitely doable. I just need to sack up! Hoping to pop the cherry next week as well. I'll keep an eye out for your ski in daytona. I'll have the orange and black SN with RN pole. Good luck! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  17. Skirunner24

    Shortened my RN and...

    Nice. I just shortened mine 4 inches and got to ride it for the first time yesterday. Totally different ski. I agree with what you said. Super tight turns makes for a really playful and responsive hull. Excited to get it in some bigger surf and really see how it handles!
  18. Skirunner24

    Freestyle PHP Generosity!!! Great friends!:)

    Awesome. Look forward to working with you guys when I move back to Wisconsin in a few months. Will anyone be repping PHP in daytona this year? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  19. Skirunner24

    JetManiac at 2014 Daytona Freeride

    I've got a question on ski registration for multiple riders. I looked around the site but didn't see the info. I have 1 ski and 2 or 3 possibe riders in addition to myself. I know I need a "1 rider 1 ski" pass, but do I need to buy additional passes for extra riders? I didn't see that option...
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