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  1. W

    sm13 spins wrong direction

    This is a classic one from using 4 stroke starters in 2 stroke skis
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    sm13 spins wrong direction

    4 stroke starter motor
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    Pro-tec Mach 2 exhaust -

    One of the best legal SJ Ski Spec wetpipes ever made for racing. Basically a legal wetpipe that is close to dry pipe performance 800 including the trip Yes its a bit dirty. Im cleaning out the garage of parts and this was taken off a ski and put on the shelf a few years back and its just sat...
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    Freestyle Trixstar, unknown freestyle build.

    You need to know the port timing before you can simply put in a stroker crank. It changes the timing a huge amount.
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    9 port 81mm cylinder

    I have a couple of west coast cinders with the aux port in them and a pjs but I dont have the casting in the pjs one for the ports. Its a reed case cylinder but it must be an early one
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    9 port 81mm cylinder

    Damn I wish i had seen that
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    Freestyle Trixstar, unknown freestyle build.

    Looks like a stock crank to me. its definitely a 90.5 mm piston in there for a cr500 wossner made it. THey have been filling on the bake of the transfers a lot for some reason on the out side.
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    Freestyle Trixstar, unknown freestyle build.

    You will also need a new cylinder as the port timing will be all to heck with that extra 10mm of stroke
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    9 port 81mm cylinder

    Yeah it looks liek a lamey for sure. I have never seen one witht he extra exhaust ports in or the extra transfers. Its two more than a normal lamey ever had. Very cool
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    9 port 81mm cylinder

    That's a very cool old school cylinder would love to own it or know more about it
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    Freestyle Trixstar, unknown freestyle build.

    Yes reach down and rotate the cloudier with you hand. Disconnect the battery before please
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    Freestyle Trixstar, unknown freestyle build.

    If its a 6mm and the clearance has all been found by jacking the cylinder. You are going to have some damn high port timing right there
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    WORLD CHAMP PROVEN GASKETS made fresh daily for EVERY 2 stroke YAM-KAW-SEADOO.Also A/M parts gaskets

    I love that shot of all the stamping dyes up there
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    FX-1 with 1100 triple

    If i could get this to Australia it would already be in the shed
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    Fuel "spitting" up carb on fresh Dasa 1000 rebuild------please help if you can.

    Could be a broken reed, Reed stuffers will do this but they will normally do it from both carbs
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    Can I run 760 electronics on a 650/701 motor

    No it will not misfire the rear cylinder just make it slightly retarded
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    Novi 48 carbs

    Interested, can you post pics from the inside
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    Wax racing enters the 62t intake manifold market

    We have been working on that drawing. It’s actually a lot further along than it you would think
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    Wax racing enters the 62t intake manifold market

    I thought I would repost this so i dont have to re write it when people ask why the exit doesnt taper out on our manifolds. Getting ready for the stuffer conversation They are not reducing crankcase space as more reed area space. Think of it this way, you have a very fast moving column of air...
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    Wax racing enters the 62t intake manifold market

    Introducing the wax racing billet intake manifold for your 62t based pwc engine. These are made from block of 6061 aluminum. Benefits of the wax racing intake 50 mm intake tract for the big carb guys Manifold mounted throttle bracket Oversized manifold mounted O-rings All bolts and o-rings...
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