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  1. bored&stroked

    Wave venture water routing stock

    Perfecto thanks
  2. bored&stroked

    Wave venture water routing stock

    Ok, its not a standup, but I figured some peeps on here have messed with these before. wave venture 760. It only has one metal nipple on the exhaust pipe, and one rubber where the coupler is. Head has two outlets. Ski only has one pisser. Does one outlet on the head go directly to the pisser and...
  3. bored&stroked

    Jet boat hauling a ski?

    Every boat is out of my price range thats why I have old jetskis lol
  4. bored&stroked

    Jet boat hauling a ski?

    No pics. If I'm on the water I don't have a phone with me lol Two of us pull it onto the step. The step is basically in the water when the boat isn't moving, its easy peasy. Not a jetboat though, just a normal wake boat.
  5. bored&stroked

    Jet boat hauling a ski?

    We throw my ski on the swim platform of my buddies mastercraft x30 all the time at parker going up and down the river. If it was my boat I'd add a couple rachet straps and call it good.
  6. bored&stroked

    Oil in stator area = bad crankseals?

    Eh, it starts and runs great. I'm gonna push it another season and take it apart in the winter. My superjet is fully apart right now for a paint job and its ski season dangit.
  7. bored&stroked

    Oil in stator area = bad crankseals?

    No oil pump it has a blockoff plate and runs premix. Just couldn't think of anywhere else oil would come from.
  8. bored&stroked

    Oil in stator area = bad crankseals?

    My raider has had a running issue after heating up that I've narrowed down to most likely the stator. So went to put a spare on last night, and when I pulled the cover I got a lot of oil that came out. Between that and the random tiny washer I found stuck to the inside of the flywheel, I feel...
  9. bored&stroked

    How many swim noodles?

    Pool noodles from walmart are probably cheaper then shaped foam bought by government contract.
  10. bored&stroked

    How many swim noodles?

    If foam didn't make sense, oem's wouldn't waste the money installing it from the factory. They do, so there is a reason. Foam the tray, shove pool noodles, whatever displaces water and the more the better your chances. Everything is a crap shoot in life. That being said, comparing a totally...
  11. bored&stroked

    How many swim noodles?

    The answer is: all of them.
  12. bored&stroked

    Tornados. Again

    Not a lot of tornados in Phoenix. Lots of jetski riding weather though. Perhaps move time?
  13. bored&stroked

    2021 Superjet...kinda blah looking

  14. bored&stroked

    Ada 701 domes 33 and 35cc

    No I'm trying to get the correct domes to run the head myself.
  15. bored&stroked

    SBT buys out Hydro-turf and HT Moto

    30% price the only thing they improved was their profit margin. You all should see my surprised face.
  16. bored&stroked

    no bottom end power!

    Im glad I kept reading because I was about to post this. I was the guy who asked him lol.
  17. bored&stroked

    Tnt pipe copies

    First post plainly says he has a trademark on his name.
  18. bored&stroked

    no bottom end power!

    If you have a 61x bored to 84mm and no bottem end power then something is wrong.
  19. bored&stroked

    Replacing OEM Yamaha Superjet Couplers With Ada Couplers

    Rope method is fine. Just rotate piston in the direction you'll be turning the wrench until its past the exhaust port then put the rope in. Do it all the time.
  20. bored&stroked

    B pipe manifold install

    Different wrench fit better, and grinding made it work. Graci.
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