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  1. bored&stroked

    Riding Rochester NY?

    lol. You'll be just fine then. Beginning of the season the water was down to like 70 here. I had a wetsuit top on.
  2. bored&stroked

    carb screen fell off and starting running weird. Water in bad spots?

    Carb screen is a restriction. It coming off will change the fueling of that carb some. The screen doesn't block any water just large objects like loose bolts from getting in the engine.
  3. bored&stroked

    Riding Rochester NY?

    I grew up there. I remember them closing the beaches from too much toxic crap testing in the water a couple times a year. Besides that, its cold as all hell. F that noise. Move to AZ and ride with us.
  4. bored&stroked

    Modded 701 reliability

    That ski ain't doing 60mph
  5. bored&stroked

    Modded 701 reliability

    How in the world your riding a stock setup and enjoying it is beyond me. Mod that bad boy and start to really enjoy riding. If your really worried skip the porting, otherwise a head and pipe combo setup properly should last years.
  6. bored&stroked

    Looking at 90 SN 701 conversion

    Maybe 1200
  7. bored&stroked

    Stupid rangers

    Come to AZ. We are big on FREEDOM here. I've jumped the cops wake a few times over the years.
  8. bored&stroked

    How much is my single carb holding back the engine really?

    Like the title says, how much am I giving up running the single carb and 61x cases on my square nose? Not sure if its a 44 or 46 but its an aftermarket Mikuni with no choke from the factory. Motor has 61x cylinder bored to 84mm, porting, 100octane domes [volume wise according to ada] carved...
  9. bored&stroked

    Favorite Tether

    Anything green.
  10. bored&stroked

    SXR Getting rid of footholds

    I can't imagine not liking the extra stability and tray width that holds give you. I won't even ride my wifes ski anymore since it doesn't have footholds yet. Its like a waste of a good ski. Crappy the seller didn't disclose it, and not taking current pics is dam near lying in my opinion.
  11. bored&stroked

    38mm SBN questions (NOT OEM's)

    Its not 38mm inside the bore everywhere, just like it sounds.
  12. bored&stroked

    Surfriding Bumped the bottom and boom

    Was thinking the same thing. If the crank hadn't let go that piston would have very soon anyway.
  13. bored&stroked

    61x Ported cylinders

    When you port the cylinder you cut the bottem of the sleeves off on the intake side anyways.
  14. bored&stroked

    61x Ported cylinders

    I actually asked groupK about it. On the 701 mods page they talk about 84mm being max bore. But on the project square nose rec boat they built they state they bored to 84mm leaving 2 more oversizes to 84.5mm for later. They said the rec boat was lower compression and lower RPM so thats why they...
  15. bored&stroked

    61x Ported cylinders

    Even groupK, which is notorious for being conservative, says you can run up to 84.5mm on a rec setup.
  16. bored&stroked

    Hauling my jetski on my pontoon boat ideas

    My what an interesting concept lol
  17. bored&stroked

    Sunscreen for riding

    Right in the feels yo
  18. bored&stroked

    Sunscreen for riding

    Us too, without the taxes and earthquakes. Instead we have freedom.
  19. bored&stroked

    Sunscreen for riding

    Even "good" sunscreen is mostly a waste of money. You'd need to apply about a tube worth for a whole day of riding to stay covered. I ride with none here in AZ and still don't get a burn bad enough to peel.
  20. bored&stroked

    TC-W3 2 Stroke Oil $11.18 per Gallon

    Not bad, but its only $14 at walmart without having to spend $50+ for free shipping
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