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  1. bored&stroked

    I think I need a new impellor

    When I got my square nose it came with the same prop Im using now: a solas YB-SC-I, 14.5/18 pitch. It worked pretty good with the 701 in it, but now its bored to 84mm, ported and big compression. Feels like unless its absolute glass I just spin the prop from a stop until I get moving a bit then...
  2. bored&stroked

    Fitting square bose with RN waterbox and factory mod chamber?

    I remember having to trim my hose to fit a RN box as well.
  3. bored&stroked

    1995 Yamaha Superjet Resto-Mod

    When I glanced at this pic quicky I swore that was some ugly ass mid 80's pro stock mustang style hood bulge/scoop on the truck haha
  4. bored&stroked

    Kawi 750 rebuild? Hone?

    A simple hone is standard when putting new pistons in a non-bored cylinder, don't see why it would be different here. Hone it and measure. If its over spec, you need to bore the next size up. If its not, use the old pistons.
  5. bored&stroked

    New RP Race Performance exhaust chamber

    Why is this the first time I've ever heard of a "bun" pipe?
  6. bored&stroked

    Please help: OEM 44 (64X) carbs on Pro-Tec 62T manifold - no jetting question! ;-)

    He's said in Germany he can't find one.
  7. bored&stroked

    Hand guns

    You are indeed correct. I didn't catch that it just went off in the holster. The reports I've read thought aren't a test they are people dropping them by accident and they go off. No idea how someone drops them by accident though.
  8. bored&stroked

    Hand guns

    Its a well known design flaw that the Army has also acknowledged. Sig's haven't been very good in a long time IMO. No idea how the Army choose them over a Glock, FN, or CZ.
  9. bored&stroked

    Are tank breathers really needed?

    Im not sure if your joking or not......why would anyone care what uscg requires?
  10. bored&stroked

    Are tank breathers really needed?

    Fuel pumps work much better pushing then pulling. Pressure in the tank helps the pump get the fuel from the tank to the pump itself where it can more efficiantly push the fuel vs pulling.
  11. bored&stroked

    Have SN, Aquired RN (w/pipe, head etc). Prefering SN handling. Swap engines or parts?

    Not sure how they handle different being the exact same bottem end that touches the water. But if you want to keep the SN, then yes swap all the good stuff over. Dual carbs are better for power. My wifes ski uses a bit more gas then me but she also pulls harder from bottem to top end even with...
  12. bored&stroked

    SN upgrades to RN Parts

    Whats the point of a different pole mount if your not changing the pole? I put a RN pole on my ski and just slightly modded the oem SN mount to work. Don't see a point in aftermarket......
  13. bored&stroked

    Truth in Advertising

    Those tires can't be road legal......
  14. bored&stroked

    Freestyle Just moved to Rochester, NY. Riding spots??

    So red hots or white hots?
  15. bored&stroked

    Freestyle Motor options. Help.

    Had a 650sx. Put a small pin 750 bored 1.5mm, 175psi head, dual 40mm SXR carbs, 650 stator and flywheel. Ran both PJS and fully modded and port matched oem exhaust. 9/17 skat prop. It was good, for a kawi motor. It was not good compared to a Yami 701 based motor. I sold it and have been super...
  16. bored&stroked

    Yamaha 701/760 Freestyle/Freeride porting templates

    I have almost 2 seasons on my home ported 84mm 61x cylinder with no issues at all. Going to do it to the 62t waveraider over the winter as well now. Its all gain/no loss and cheap as can be. Thanks yamanube!
  17. bored&stroked

    Legality of stand up skis?

    Maybe you should skip the flatwater freestyle ski's too then. I've knocked my body around a good bit with just a superjet.
  18. bored&stroked

    New here

    Torquey and kawi motors aren't the best combo. Time for a 701 swap into that thing!
  19. bored&stroked

    no bottom end power!

    So previous owner got it in trade and knows nothing, and you know nothing. Its a factory single carb intake. You sure its not a 650 engine in there?
  20. bored&stroked

    Riding Rochester NY?

    Rochester is totally your style. Your gonna like it there. And wegmans. Oh man do I get sad when I think about wegmans and how we don't have them here.
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