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  1. D-Nice

    Is my motor F@#ked

    Since it's a jetmaniac 781 with litterally maybe 5 hours on it I think I'll jus take it apart an go over everything.. Thanks for the input guys
  2. D-Nice

    Is my motor F@#ked

    Ok so last September at the brigantine beach bash I landed wrong an broke my tibia and fibula in my right shin, 2 surgerys 3 casts etc.. . My sj has been sitting since with a cover on it in my back yard... Open it up for the first time today an the hull had water almost up to the crank shaft...
  3. D-Nice

    Super Jet is my pulser coil bad?

    02 Superjet with msd enhancer... was only getting spark when letting off start button... jumped out switch still same problem... ohmed out stator coils an they seemed fine.. ohmed out plug wires they seemed fine.. didnt swap white wires cause i never disconnected em from when it last ran...
  4. D-Nice

    Other Heat range running in colder water

    jetworks quick disconnects in each pisser line . they come with 3 diff restrictors 2mm for under 45 degree water 3mm for 45-55 degree water 4mm for 55-65 degree water No restrictors above 65 degree water thatll give you 90-110 pisser temps. matt told me about em, picked mine up for i think...
  5. D-Nice

    Other Adjustable holds vs. Adjustable pole

    also i think the adjustable holds would be great cuz i got 25 mill padding in my tray an 8 mill padding on the top of my hold sanded down to fit my foot nice an snug with a wrestling shoe on. but when i put on a neoprene sock an a bigger shoe for cold riding i really gotta kick it in there...
  6. D-Nice

    Other Adjustable holds vs. Adjustable pole

    either way u just gotta ride it to find the right position. my ski sitting on the ground with the pole fully extended, my adjustable steering all the way out, an with my feet in the holds feels like it would be impossible to ride cause im so leaned forward. but after tinkerin with it in the...
  7. D-Nice

    Custom/Hybrid Superfreaks comparison pics (-4.8 , -9 , circus)

    dang man whats that like 75k in skis!? lemme get one man
  8. D-Nice

    Surfriding blast from the past..

    this sites a joke. who gives a shiitt about what you ride or what your set up is. as long as your out there shreddin who gives a f@ck. buncha mickey mouse shiitt talkers. i got footholds, a strap, an a front foothold <~~ im so gay im past the point of being gay and im back to bangen straight...
  9. D-Nice

    Other xmetal pole vs rrp pole

    the xm is pretty solid. i dont see how any1 could even feel a pole flexing since its not a fixed thing anyway. either way i like my xmetal on my superjet. rock it at the -5 plus got there adjustable steering if i wanted to go shorter. an if i had a a/m hull an needed a pole that was even shorter...
  10. D-Nice

    Surfriding cold water temp/valving off

    it aint gonna kill ya, its only water. with the right gear you can do anything. i been ina half frozen lake with a 4/3 wetsuit 3mm booties an gloves an hood an it wasnt that bad. could prolly sit in it all day in a 6mm
  11. D-Nice

    Surfriding cold water temp/valving off

    thanks man ima have to go ahead an order that set up for both my skis
  12. D-Nice

    Surfriding cold water temp/valving off

    i like matt e's idea cuz you can still have water runnin through both cooling lines. id still like to know a lil more detail bout like what water temp to start restricting etc. i know in the dead of summer you prolly get about 100-105 degree water out the pissers so im guessing you restrict a...
  13. D-Nice

    Surfriding cold water temp/valving off

    so its gettin colder out up in nj, at what water temp do you guys usually valve off one of the dual cooling lines and what line do you usually valve off? ive ridden couchs in january years ago with out doing anything but never had my sj or b1 out past october cuz they were always broken
  14. D-Nice

    Surfriding At what temp outside and water does everyone pack it up for the season?

    most ppl on here will tell u if the water isnt frozen theyll ride in it. ive been out in febuary in jus a 4/3 wetsuit, gloves, booties, an hood. im sure its alot better with a 6mm suit but i lived
  15. D-Nice

    Blaster blaster mod pipe bracket pic?

    yea thats the limited chamber, mod wraps around the front of the motor to a pointed tip an drops into the water box. thanks for the effort though. someones gotta have this pipe on there ski.
  16. D-Nice

    Blaster blaster mod pipe bracket pic?

    can someone take a pic of the bracket that connects the mod pipe to the top of cylinder on a blaster factory mod pipe? gonna tig weld one up this weekend outta stainless cuz you cant buy em no more and i wana see how factory had made em. cant go one ride without my pipe comin out the coupler...
  17. D-Nice

    surf seats/lowered seats/shortened seats

    seats are bad ass man! mite have you do one up for my blaster down the road, gotta spend the money fixing my sj first
  18. D-Nice

    Post pics of your ski......

    02 sj, bb771, bpipe, lightend flywheel, ada head, tubbie destroyers, wdk razor hood, xmetal pole+steering, msd enhancer, carbon renforced, poly foamed tray, 25mm padding wit tom21 holds, buncha other lil things
  19. D-Nice

    Other Anyone considering buying a Personal Location Beacon?

    hey boyer what do u gotta do to send the signal out on it? is it possible to accidently have it go off in a wet suit pocket or do you gotta like push a button in an slide something down for a few seconds? another quick question, whats the weather+waves like down there in november? got a wedding...
  20. D-Nice

    Surfriding Eye Protection

    i jus deal with it. you get used to it
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