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  1. Superman

    CDI Advent

    thanks , that answered it all the same. i got a good deal on some stuff a friend is selling new, part of that is 2 x cdi advents (but both were brought in for a 03 superjet) i am taking one for my 05 superjet, but i have a 06 kawa sx800r as well. so just wasnt sure if they were universal...
  2. Superman

    CDI Advent

    ok as with my otherpost on a set up, i am taking this guys 1 x new cdi advent for my jet. he has another as well, will this fit on my sx800r kawa? are they universal, or specific. :cool2:
  3. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    good advice Hangtime, not to concerned cash wise (not a eric malone replica ski cash wise though :27: ) just that the pipe and head was throwaway money and if there was a way of making it work in a freestyle application instead of racing (as i am sure the Type 9 was aiming for) with set up...
  4. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    ok so a 4-5" diamiter cut out of the stock plate, worth a try. hmmm friend seems to be changing his mind about taking the type 9 pipe,(leaving me high and dry without a b pipe) so the type 9 a very bad idea ? just reasking because the prices are so good. otherwise i will just have to wait...
  5. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    freestyleriverrat you asked how much for the UMI head with interchangable domes (2 sets of inland and sea level domes included) - around 200 dollars ?
  6. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    ahhh the D cut out on the stocker plate, i know this has been done to death, but does it have benefits for the flatwater freestyler? i dont know why i keep thinking its for you surf demons? i have been wanting to do it but havent had that answered yet? i will then run a search for the...
  7. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    lol through all the tension you guys can make someone laugh, i like your passion and intensity :woot: thanks for all the advice, i mentioned the setup as a friend has these products for sale at giveaway prices. my main hard on came for the UMI pole - 2" with steering yada yada, as that would...
  8. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    thanks for the opinions, i will get a blowsion chinpad to go with it, i see what you mean by bulky. with regards the single vs dual, i am not very mechanically minded unfortunatley. but might just take it for now over the stock set up, and then revert to dual carbs when finances allow me too...
  9. Superman

    where is this sport going?

    Being new to the jetski scene compared to alot of you and being flatwater bound, still freestyle was my main reason for purchasing a ski, and a stand up straight from the word go, so far we have managed to convert a few of our friends and my wife has become a stand up lady only :cheer: also...
  10. Superman

    Opinions on this set up

    ok, can get these goodies at a really god price from a friend who has brought it in to the country but decided on a different set up, its going on a 05 superjet and will be used primarily for flatwater freestyle. - 44mm single carb "freestyle" kit - 44mm flame arrestor - rick roy footholds...
  11. Superman


    now isnt that one of the sexiest pics Momarski (nope not the one with you :biggrin: ) very nice collection on that trailer :hail:
  12. Superman


    i am also very glad, i have interests in both freestyle and racing, and will be starting racing in 6 weeks time ( first race) :woot: and need a section with all the info to help calm those nerves and get us ready :cheer:
  13. Superman


    as said the second pic is a dolphin, the one with the chopper is fake, it was a photoshop with a pic of a great white breaching (we actually did the documentry on that at seal island south africa) the last pic i amn pretty sure is real, it came out of a local mag here in south africa, the...
  14. Superman

    how much to cut off on a stock d cut square ride plate?

    i have been toying with the idea of cutting the d cut into my stock SJ rideplate, but tell me if this has any benefit on flatwater ? (i heard it was to assist in shredding surf waves) i ride mainly flatwater with the odd trip to the coast ? thanks
  15. Superman

    Kawa SX-800R

    thanks icerocket, been keeping a keen eye on the TBM stuff and only heard good things. i am seriously considering shipping the sponsoons over here. thanks again for the advice :biggrin:
  16. Superman

    Kawa SX-800R

    thanks guys, i think i will hold off on tubbies on the SJ. its purely a flatwater freestyle machine (or will be , pretty stock as of now but bits on the way lol ) with only a bash at the surf a couple weekends a year. the kawa is an awesome ski, but i know why i have a superjet...
  17. Superman

    Kawa SX-800R

    Hi, I have just added a 06' sxr to our ski stable, this one purely for racing. just need a little advice with regards mods. coming first : RnD rideplate (seems more extended than stock) RnD intake grate UMI - 2" pole with 4 deg bars UMI Steering system From there i am planning...
  18. Superman

    flat water BR

    thanks tim, i will do so, practice wakes for a few weeks, then try the barrel rolls once those footholds are in :)
  19. Superman

    flat water BR

    Tim thanks for the vid helps a lot, but why oh why do i have to watch it on a monday, now i have 2 days left before i can try and i am all phsyced( wednesday a public holiday over here) :Banane01: well as said i have a stock 2005 superjet with intake grate and impellar. so goibg to...
  20. Superman

    flat water BR

    haha i know, and it works. wish there was a step by step guide to glory though:hail: but i suppose that step by step guide is the schol of hard knocks :biggrin:
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