what dates are the freestyle and races im looking to go for the first time.
Found this on PWCT:
2010 IJSBA World Finals Tentative Schedule
Saturday (10/2):
-Check in and Pits Open
-Technical Inspection Begins
Sunday (10/3):
-Check in and Pits Open
-Riders Meeting/Spaghetti Dinner
Monday (10/4):
-Course Demonstration
- Practice for Novice/Amateur Classes/Masters
Tuesday/Wednesday (10/5):
-Novice Ski Stock
-Novice Ski Limited
-Novice Runabout Stock
-Novice Runabout Limited
-Novice Women Ski Limited
-Novice Veteran Ski Open
-Amateur Ski Lites
(The following classes will run in only three Motos, IJSBA will only accept entries until the allowable number of watercraft for a full line is met, No Heats or LCQ)
-Amateur Runabout Four Stroke Lites
-Amateur Runabout 1300 Classic Stock/Limited/Open
-Sport Spec
-Amateur Runabout 800 Limited
-Amateur Veteran Runabout Open
Wednesday/Thursday (10/6):
-Expert Ski Limited
-Expert Runabout Limited
-Expert Veteran Ski Open
-Amateur Runabout 800 SS
-Amateur Veterans Ski Limited
-Masters Ski stock
-Masters Ski Open.
Thursday/Friday (10/7):
-Amateur Ski Open
-Amateur Runabout Open
-Pro Am Runabout Limited
-Pro Am Ski Two Stroke Limited
-Junior Ski 13-15 Lites
-Junior Ski 10-12 Lites
-Junior Ski 13-15 Stock
-Pro Am Runabout Stock
-Pro Am ski Stock.
Friday Only:
-Amateur Freestyle
-Awards of all completed classes
Friday/Saturday (10/8):
-Ski GP
-Runabout GP
-Pro Am Runabout 800 SS
-Sport Modified.
Saturday Only (10/9):
-Hall of Fame Ceremony
Saturday/Sunday (10/10):
-Pro Freestyle
-Pro Ski
-Pro Runabout
-Women’s Runabout Limited
-Pro Am Women’s Ski Limited
-Junior Ski 10-12 Stock
-Junior Ski 13-15 Limited
Sunday Only (10/10):
-Awards of all completed classes.