The spot Mike D has is the last on the point and is huge. There is tons of beach front and we will have cold drinks and possibly a free lunch(if we can find someone to BBQ). Also you can ride right out of the lagoon. They mark off the no wake zone for world finals so is totally ok to ride OUTSIDE the lagoon. Also there is the launch ramp there for you guys that dont have 4wd. Lots of pros practice there throughout the weekend. Invite to all X guys to come out meet, ride some skis, and maybe learn some new tricks. Show up before or after AM freestyle on friday. If you any questions give me a call 951-236-1770
Thanks Larry
If this is the world final smack talk thread the start talking smack... Who is going to to be riding pro free style this year?? I say someone from the x-metal team is going to WIN.. No i don't think it's going to be the old man... But hope he does well..
How is lee stone (eme's) team looking this year??
Is lenzi going big also this year??
what about fumikazu, How many backies in a row will he do?
Believe Stoyer is the only one going.
Excellent invite
not sure what are plans are yet, but we will be last minute
and i don't think we are bringing the skis![]()
Well, we were gonna bring our skis down wed and thurs to ride, but I messed my hand up and can't ride for a couple weeks, should have gotten stitches but I procrastinated and it happens to be my trigger finger, blah. Sucks. just going to show up on Sunday now and watch the end of everything.
Kinda bummed because I wanted to test ride a couple of the lightweight hulls.