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- deland fl
Ive needed about 5 of the screw on lids for the b2 hood and anytime I see one for sale it’s missing that lid
I had it working, but it doesn't float. It would need to be about double the length to get enough flotation. I was talking to a composites guy about creating them at about 13" length using carbon fiber and foam core, but the price would've been crazy. I still have all the models if someone has the time for it.
The entire pump was 3D printed with cooling similar to a full size Superjet. There is crazy water pressure to the motor's cooling jacket.
Lmk if the link works
Lol good luck. I tried forever couldn't get it so I bought another OEM box....If this post is still alive I would love to get ebox stl please.
Bonjour je me présente florian 29 ans j'ai une imprimante 3d et j'aimerais me fabriquer une E-box peut tu m'envoyer le fichier?Salut les gars,
Je veux juste vous montrer ce que vous pouvez faire avec une imprimante 3D commune si vous vous ennuyez et qu'un hiver froid est assis devant votre porte.
J'utilise un Ultimaker 2 Extended avec un filament PLA de 2,85 mm (de nombreuses couleurs différentes sont disponibles).
J'ai d'abord commencé par quelque chose de simple.
Cône de pompe Freestyle court.
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Après que cela ait très bien fonctionné pour moi, j'ai décidé de construire un cadre pour avoir une vue claire à l'intérieur de mon E-Box.
Scellé/collé le cadre avec du silicone rtv sur la plaque arrière de l'E-Box. Le cadre est vissé à l'arrière. Le plexiglas est vissé par l'avant et scellé avec un joint torique, assis dans l'encoche du cadre.
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J'ai imprimé des pièces de rechange pour mes trucs Flyboard
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Le prochain grand projet consistait à construire mon propre collecteur d'admission de conception pour le double 49 Full Spectrums.
Cette conception est utilisée avec les cages à anches oem. J'ai utilisé Würth Time Serts pour les filetages du collecteur afin de ne pas stresser les filetages en plastique lorsque j'ajuste mon jet de carburateur et que je retire les glucides plusieurs fois. Il tourne génial !
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Un tambour d'accélérateur juste pour le cas où j'en ai besoin…. N'importe quand
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Ill Cad 1 up tomorrow.I would like someone to 3D print the exterior shaped plastic insulator pieces on the starter solenoid for the Kawasakis, preferable in some color besides white and in a durable plastic, Red would be nice.
I would like someone to 3D print the exterior shaped plastic insulator pieces on the starter solenoid for the Kawasakis, preferable in some color besides white and in a durable plastic, Red would be nice.
I appreciate the file but I don't do 3D printing , that being said if anyone wants to take the file and make me a few sets in red I will be glad to pay them, PM me .Done just change the .pdf to ,stl after download. View attachment 430213
Have him print out a hull part by part and then peice it all together and throw a couple layers of fiberglass over it.![]()
Any chance i can get the file for the Ebox?Hey Guys,
I just want to show you what you can do with a common 3D-Printer if you are bored and a cold winter is sitting in front of your door.
I´m using a Ultimaker 2 Extended with 2,85mm PLA Filament (many different colors available).
First I started with something simple.
Short Freestyle Pump Cone.
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After it worked great for me, decided to build a Frame to get a clear view inside my E-Box.
Sealed/glued the frame with rtv silicone to the back plate of the E-Box. Frame is screwed from the Backside. The plexiglass is screwed from the front side and sealed with a o-ring, sitting in the notch of the frame.
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Printed some spare parts for my Flyboard stuff
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Next big project was to build my own design intake manifold for dual 49 Full Spectrums.
This design is used with the oem reed cages. I used Würth Time Serts for the threads in the manifold for not stressing the plastic threads when I adjust my carb jetting and remove the carbs a few times. It runs awesome!
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A throttle drum just for the case I need one…. Anytime
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