It is the pains encountered while a venue is growing (and in a poor economy…most individuals and corporations are strained and stressed emotionally and financially).
EVERYONE needs to realize this fact BEFORE posting!!!
This is all similar to what happens during a natural disaster response…TEMPERS BEGIN TO MOUNT UNDER THE PRESSURE AND STRAIN.
EVERYONE must realize what is going on here and quit acting like idiots. If the economy were booming, there would be little issues.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP AND THINK. The original issue is not one persons fault within this entire network.
Granted, everyone is discussing multiple issues now, and that is how it happens…BOOM! (now a lil boom might have been fine, but this is absurd, so of course I enjoy it since I’m twisted like that, BUT it needs to end productively whenever it ends. Egos need to step out here.)
I personally have not read the entire thread. I jumped in and said what I felt (typical). My point is, it doesn’t personally matter to me right now, who is in the right, who is in the wrong, who is on who’s side. It’s not relevant. I have yet to form an opinion on what everyone is fussing about, intentionally. Why? Because I realize it can be disastrous for the venue, as well as each individual personally, whether they are contributing to the issues at hand now or not.
My personal opinion, is that whomever is in the wrong (and it can very well be multitudes of people now), need to start being in the right. Everyone makes mistakes, especially while under intense strain, and everyone should be forgiven. If you are personally not capable of forgiving another person here, you don’t need to be here.
Everyone, who is interested (and it should be many if you know what is good for the network you wish to see grow), needs to turn this around to something positive, and help to think outside of the box.