zimmy make sure you tap your shoes off at the door, Eric likes to keep the shop clean which is not a bad thing
Haha, that totally reminds me of another great in the business, Randy of Watcon (now it's Zigler's).
Here's a pic of him showing me his porting tools. He had to put a towel on his lap before starting. And then he promptly vacuumed everything up afterwards.
Another one. He kept following me around to pick up tools and put them back in the box.
Craig (Zimmy) I think your going to be happy.
Should we run race gas through these jugs, to keep them free of carbon buildup?
Gots my PFP and TL....to 'stir up the bottom'
Should we run race gas through these jugs, to keep them free of carbon buildup?
Gots my PFP and TL....to 'stir up the bottom'
zimmy make sure you tap your shoes off at the door, Erik likes to keep the shop clean which is not a bad thing
Should we run race gas through these jugs, to keep them free of carbon buildup?
Gots my PFP and TL....to 'stir up the bottom'
Race gas to prevent carbon buildup - now there's something new. (Sincerely hoping you are joking)
Run cheap gas... The extra carbon buildup will give you higher compression and WAY more power!
Run cheap gas... The extra carbon buildup will give you higher compression and WAY more power!