So the last few days Ive been working on ways to make a waterbox small enough to fit up in the nose. For those of you who heard this at daytona know it was a bit loud. Well I finally got something welded up, its tiny, smallest full waterbox I've ever seen, the body is perhaps 6" wide.. I dont have any final pictures but I'll get those tomorrow. I'm running 120 low 120 high and 2.3 N/S. So I should be dumping plenty of fuel. Without the waterbox I was running pretty rich and blacked out my fresh plugs in about 5 minutes, this is with the needles only a 1/4 turn out. I was almost about to buy new 115 low and high jets
I jimmied the new waterbox in yesterday and boom!. The motor is Leaned the hell out. Dies instantly upon WOT. Hesitant everywhere. I end up having to go out to 1.5 turns out on both low and high needles. So I will probably have to go to 122.5 jets. Runs much better on mid and high... I think i gained up to 4-5 mph, as I dont believe I have ever run this fast on a 550 hull. GPS tomorrow.
Its very clear to me now that this is to much motor for this hull as I am starting to form stress cracks all over the hood mounting lip. I really need to buy resin and start on this Carbon fiber project.
With the waterbox its not too much quieter as I didnt make any baffles.... but at least now the harsh crack is gone, and the overall decibles is down. The sound doesnt bounce off the houses across the lake. So its bearable now.