I see your logic, but it is still besides the point............ He cannot put the footholds in becuase he does not have them, meaning he cannot turf either.........
He can bolt the engine, electrical in, but cannot finish because the start stop switch, steering cable and throttle cable cannot be installed..........
my newer SJ Hull is sitting with one foothold glassed in, other to be finished tonight........ after that, I can have the engine installed in about 20 minutes, pump in about 10 minutes with the ride plate and grate. after that, give me 2 hours to turf (including cutting templates out of sheets of turf) and another hour to install the pole bracket and bars and run cables.......
so, If I was in the same boat he was in, I have less than one hours work that I could get done until I come to a stopping point..............
He needs the rest of his parts to really get going good.