Freestyle Brigantine Beach Bash


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Like it's easy for someone to sit there and say don't worry it'll work out if u live down the shore already but me and my buddies have 900 bucks on the line with a house rental that we can't get a refund on so excuse us if some people are a little upset about this being so unorganized when they had an entire year to plan this

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literally just said that in the other update thread...

I was going to make the trip up from Charlotte with the dudes down here and I am glad we decided it was too much driving with having another ride the weekend after...I would be fuming if I was still planning on going.
Town seems to be taking the event over. Can't get a real answer out of anyone as to what is going on. If it's just Sat now, if there is a contest or raffle or anything. If it's just a ride. Who knows

As a sponsor for this event it puts us and others in a very hard spot. More than most of you know the amount of work that is put in weeks before. The time and money that we already have into this makes this "it's canceled" or "no it's on" just hurts the amount of people going if it is on at this point.

This sucks for everyone. Let's get a real answer at this point. And the real story of why the town took it over would be nice too.
Appreciate you going out of your way chuck32488 along with chuck and whoever else is dealing with the back end of this to attempt to salvage it. Hopefully it works out and there is answers soon. What a mess that should have never happened.


No Square..No Round..FX-1
Ok, the weather report is supposed to be real nice for this weekend (sunny, 70's, and light winds). The surf report isn't epic, but decent.
Now about the ride... The city controls everything. We are still being patient on the final decision they agree on. The ball was always in their court regardless of any of this "panic chatter" that's going on here. Apparently, the contracts were signed by the city the day before the ride last year. Let's see what the city decides on.
We will always be able to ride @ the Cove but will have to launch @ the boat ramp
I just can't believe that the city wants the responsibility of planning this event. The way I always saw government (coming from someone who works for the government), is that they do the least amount of work possible. In this case, that would be some freerider, who is not associated with the city, doing all the work by filling out all the applications and paying all the fees, and then the city checks that person's work and says yes or no. I can't believe someone messed this up so bad that the city said that this "freerider" is no longer competent enough to get this event going- we need to do it for you.
Oh, and I have $800 plus $500 security deposit out of my own pocket for our group's house...
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