Has anyone measured the Yamaha oem retard curve on the rear cylinder?
I was told that Yamaha triples twisted 2 to 4 degrees. So I am curious how
Yamaha handled twist on the 760. Was there any other sensor inputs to
determine the load? or do you think it only reacted to the rev limiter.
Wax, did you ever try the PJS type 2 ignition? The type 2 used two separate
boost circuits instead of one circuit fired twice. So there was 2 - 65kv sparks
about ~2ms apart. I mention the Type 2, because the justification for a dual
spark system is that normal CDI ignitions have a very short spark duration.
Have you noticed any draw backs with the Zeeltronic single spark system.
What is your opinion about 2 hypothetical Zeeltronic cdi's, one with a single
spark, and the other with a dual spark (like a type 2 with a curve).
Just read the entire thread, and I am still wondering if I could switch between
curve 1 & 2 while in a race? All that maters is whether or not the Zeeltronic
CDI will allow it to happen without missing a beat.
Also are the separate power valve/power jet wires intended to just activate a
control module or a transistor?
If I wanted to adapt a 2 channel system, with a max advance of 34 deg. How
long would the reluctor need to be? One hump, 34 deg. long?
A 2 channel Kawasaki street bike system from the 80's (as I recall) had 1 short
hump, and 1 long hump (on the reluctor). Any idea why?
Bill M.