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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Can you guys please make it clear as to who you are talking to in this thread

Say some names so i know if i am one of them
Jared, not calling anyone person out, If you have a business and can help to support the site, we invite you, If it is not in your budget, then that is fine, All we are asking is help if you can give it, if not, keep on enjoying the site, bringing new members, helping out old members etc etc etc....


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
i agree with you. my question is, 90 days ago, there was $1100+ dollars in the "coffers". the tone of this thread seems to imply that the owners of this site are carrying the $105/mos burden.

just my observation. i think its one of those internet misunderstandings. there are emotions tied to alot of the posts on this thread.

Saki, It's called a cushion. Don't you have a couple of months reserve for your mortgage in the bank? same thing, we want to get thru the winter like everyone else

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
Yup, $35 a month? sure not much. But ask yourself why we do it?

Ok, You are a good rider. You spend $$$$$ for the love of what you do.
All 3 of us are good riders & spend $$$$$$ enjoying ourselves at freerides & races. Should we spend extra on a not for profit site also. or should the love be spread around?
None of us are journelist (sp) or anything near that. we all do it for the love!

Those of us that make part of our livings off the very same site.
all we are asking is to share that very same love. I do?

I'm sorry if you feel there is a ton of $$$ to be made in this sport currently.
maybe 5% of my total work/income is done thru freestyle/freeride work.
The vast majority comes from regular maintaince work on sit-down craft from the guy down the street who doesn't even know this site exists.
ask anyone who is in this game. All we are asking is to share the love.

Where did I say there is money to be made in freeride? I said I spent a ton of my own money and time, I guess I left out the "with little to no payback" part. I also never said I was a good rider, that is something that would never never never come out of my mouth. I meant no ill feelings in my post, the point I was trying to get across is I spent over $5,000, a lot of time, and a broken hand and I loved every minute of it. I guess when I see someone complain about $35 a month going to the sport they love being a part of it kind of makes me wonder.
well, here's an idea..........with all the liquor that will be flowing at daytona...there needs to be a donation cup passed around (keep ini mind, the later its passed, the fuller it gets!)....

so, wheneveryone has all those singles filling up their pockets (PRE-lollipops), toss a couple in the jar.....

that will be a great way to fund the X next year, and with the magnitude of people that will be there it will add up quickly...

this should happen at EVERY freeride event....a buck or 2 here or there could easily fund the site for the entire year..


Where did I say there is money to be made in freeride? I said I spent a ton of my own money and time, I guess I left out the "with little to no payback" part. I also never said I was a good rider, that is something that would never never never come out of my mouth. I meant no ill feelings in my post, the point I was trying to get across is I spent over $5,000, a lot of time, and a broken hand and I loved every minute of it. I guess when I see someone complain about $35 a month going to the sport they love being a part of it kind of makes me wonder.

OMG..... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

apples and oranges bro...


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Short $105 a month, between 3 of you $35 a month is strapping you? I do this because I love the sport, I have spent over $5,000 out of my own pocket this year traveling to freeride competitions. If my hand wasn't broke I would be in Brasil right now even though I can't afford it, I'd borrow money or figure something out. We all appreciate the work you guys put into this site, but stuff like this can easily be taken the wrong way.

I dont think its the $35.00 a month that is the issue, I think it is the work and effort and the $35.00 a month and that some the vendors that use this sight dont even put forth $25.00 a month.
Also, not only is the advertising X-H20 offers a huge bennifit to the vendor that utilizes it, it is a huge bennefit to the users of this sight too. How awesome would it be to just click VENDORS and see who has what we need and be able to have options on price quality and all those things on the sight we use the most. If you took Paul's or Darin's post wrong, your just in the wrong frame of mind IMO these guys have done something good for this sport and have asked for very little to nothing in return for thier time and effort.
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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Where did I say there is money to be made in freeride? I said I spent a ton of my own money and time, I guess I left out the "with little to no payback" part. I also never said I was a good rider, that is something that would never never never come out of my mouth. I meant no ill feelings in my post, the point I was trying to get across is I spent over $5,000, a lot of time, and a broken hand and I loved every minute of it. I guess when I see someone complain about $35 a month going to the sport they love being a part of it kind of makes me wonder.

all that money you spent was probably for your enjoyment not everyone elses. if you did spend that money on helping other riders I appologise, you are very generous. I see nothing wrong asking people who make money off of this site to buy a $25 banner. I also don't see anything wrong with asking the people who post here to check out the companies with banners. I just don't get the issue.

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
Money isn't the issue here for me, you don't think I spent any time or effort either? My point was that I could care less how much time, effort, or money goes into it, I love the sport and will do it at any cost with no payback expected. And I do it just so I can ride for a measly 24 minutes, you got it thats it. And yes I have spent money on other riders.

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
I don't see where you are coming from. my understanding is that site revenue goes back into the site and the events. why should we ask paul darren and harrison to pay for the site for us to use?

Because it is what they love to do, if they put a ton of time and effort into it what is $35? What is their time worth, a whole hell of a lot more than $35 I am guessing. No one is asking them to do it, and I can see how my posts can be taken the wrong way.
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Because it is what they love to do, if they put a ton of time and effort into it what is $35? What is their time worth, a whole hell of a lot more than $35 I am guessing. No one is asking them to do it, and I can see how my posts can be taken the wrong way.

Everybody call your vendors and tell them to send some free stuff cuz they are doing what they love to do.


Limerick, PA
Hmmm... well I sure the hell don't have tons of cash laying around.... Nor do I make money from this site.... But uhh Check the X-h2o Paypal Account... I sponsored a month....

I have by far gotten more than my moneys worth. If the guys that run this site for us are saying they could use a little extra dough for what ever reasons for the site..... Ill contribute, why the hell wouldn't I???

Any one else wanna step up!
:headbang: :Banane09: :fingersx: :popworm: :unitedstates: :wave: :hititbanana:

*edit* I forgot how much I love theses smilies too..... I mean there worth it alone lol
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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Hmmm... well I sure the hell don't have tons of cash laying around.... Nor do I make money from this site.... But uhh Check the X-h2o Paypal Account... I sponsored a month....

I have by far gotten more than my moneys worth. If the guys that run this site for us are saying they could use a little extra dough for what ever reasons for the site..... Ill contribute, why the hell wouldn't I???

Any one else wanna step up!

I have paypaled a months worth myself as Paul said many of us have. I buy from vendors that do not advertise here and would not suggest not buying from other vendors, I simply suggest supporting the ones that do as well. Its a 2 way street people, we (the users of this site) bennifit from vendors advertising here as well and this is another way Darin and Paul and even well I guess I will say it BIG K are helping us out here. (JK BIG K )
SO PAY UP SUCKERS JK sorry , couldnt help myself.


Are you two guys serious? You want these three guys to put in a significant amount of time to moderate and maintain the site and also pay for it out of their own pockets? I really appreciate what these three guys have provided for us and I can't imagine asking them to shell out money on top of that. $35 per month isn't a huge amount, but it's enough to count. It's like paying someone for the opportunity to cut THEIR grass. "Hey sir, let me cut your yard and I'll pay you $35" I don't get it

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
And for the record- takeastand helped me out a ton last August. He bought me jack and cokes out of his own pocket when I was sober. He picked up my ski while I was stuck in the sand and wouldnt even share a glass of milk with me for thanking him.

Buy from companies that support JET SKIING as a whole, not just one particular site.

Ahhhh, your ski is too pretty to be stuck in the sand and not getting salty!


Ahhhh, your ski is too pretty to be stuck in the sand and not getting salty!

its my ex girlfriends ski dammit- I just made sure I got it from her when she dumped my ass. (not true but Ricky Pierce might see this and I dont want him giving me kisses and chit- he thinks I'm a girl)

I got the ideas from shankland and yamaslut- get in touch with your feminine side and they can see your boat better from the shore. Ya thats it-
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