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What? Ur a wack job buddy. Im done talkin to u... real childish stuff right here.
not what I heard. I heard some big time pro scouted you and is paying to get you and your ski there and putting you in a hotel for 2 weeks. supposedly he wants you to compete in the WF and see how you do. kinda funny because you havent ridden this thing yet, hard to scout someone who doesnt perform yet and hasnt even done a roll or flip yetokey: :splatt:
It was a bun pipe for a bun hull. The q8 is much shorter and my motor placment is custom,
hence further forward. But even so if the motor was all the way back the pipe still wouldnt really fit. I had to do what i had to do.. I talked to Paul Lpw about the pipe and showed him pics and he thinks the pipe is still going to perform very well. He thinks its going to be alot of low to mid judgeing by the fatness of the chamber. We will see when i get to AZ.
I would really like to get a handful of people to ride this ski that have boats of this cal.
I want to compare it to other high dollar boats and compare notes, pick up, handleing, power range, prop specs.. ect. So far Roo and superramjet are on the list.
Thanks for the props Shonuff, slow but shore!
I still havnt had anyone chiming in with there bax pipe jetting and gram springs. Id like to start there.
...198.6 lbs...