Is this a joke? What u heard...U dont even know any other jetskiers other than myself.
Is ur source my x girlfriend u nerd! Trust me if i was riding down with malone, or a key player id be bragin about it. As far as the rolls and the backflips yes.. 90% of the members here know i havnt completed those tricks as iv stated that in my last build that never got completed 24-7 7mm backflip build. Yes i if u look threw that build u will see i spent more time teaching myself how to build parts rather than complete the ski..there 4 i didnt get it done buy the end season. After talking to people and using my own knowlege i realized doing this once and right was the way to go. Oh and when u tell people Will i havnt even done backflips ...ahh retard that is why im building this ski.
Then u say..ha,ha that a pro is putting me in u have to earn that position to get there fag.. u dont just pay 10 bucks and compete.. even so i havnt even ridden this ski yet, and it isnt even tuned, i have know idea what the out come will be. Another thing is wf for freestyle is like 3 days.. what the hell am i going to do for 2 weeks up there? Its more like 2 days up 2 days back 3 days ill be there= 7
Will im really sorry were not friends anymore, but the fact of the matter is i busted my ass to build this ski, lost my girl and being able to see my kids every which i dont blame all on the ski, cash well spent..because there is no amout on completing dreams. Yes going to wf is true, yes it will be in malonys booth, yes Paul one of my friends will be there to help when he can, and yes it will be a awsome time and cant wait to see other x members there..and there more than welcome to ride this boat when the tuning gets done.