Eme q8 build


it's all good
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ya, my friends -4 sxr. last time i road was 4 weeks ago...i wish i had more friends that
had jet skis. Plan on changing that when mines done, freerides, roadtrips, events ect.

I live on the water... I would go CRAZY not having a 'ski to ride for the good majority of summer.

Better get a full couple years of no problems with the amount of time and redoing stuff you have done.
Ski should be at wf in the eme booth. Still trying to find the best way to get it down there. Paul said he'd help me tune in the ski when i arrive. I need help with getting the msd perfect/ jetting for this setup. The pipe is custom, use to be a Bun but now...
its safe to say its in its own catagory. The chamber is longer and fatter than the Baxtor
so id like to start with jetting close to that. Im going to call around but if anyone useing that pipe with about the same size cc pls send me a pm on jetting,needle, spring. Ill
be posting more pics tomorrow.


it's all good
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No, we are flying in. Im hoping to bum a ride on one of eric's 1105 skis

ur more than welcome to try mine. Its no 1105 but should perform nicely. What i got goin for me is weight.

We'll be down there this year... look forward to meeting some forum members.

Won't have my FS-1 with me, but i'd like jump on that Q8 of yours for a minute... buy ya a beer? :beerchug:
Here are some finished pics, some of these will prob be on pwcgraphics.com
Id like to thank Mike for the fast turn around and getting it right the first time.
U email him with a pic of ur ski and he will send it back with ur graphics
in place so u can see what it looks like and make adj before there made.
Waiting 4 the billit procircuit trim lever sould be here soon.:phone:


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I made a mold for coupler covers, this one is 100% carbon/kev hybrid.
Bolts to floor. Its not tightened down just threw it in there 4 a pic.


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excuse the dust in the hull didnt have time to clean..the kids were getting antsy.
Here are some pics of the pipe work being done...just think i payed 1500 for that Bun pipe
lol. Now its a custom, cant wait to see how it performs, its long and fat.:Eyecrazy:


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It was a bun pipe for a bun hull. The q8 is much shorter and my motor placment is custom,
hence further forward. But even so if the motor was all the way back the pipe still wouldnt really fit. I had to do what i had to do.. I talked to Paul Lpw about the pipe and showed him pics and he thinks the pipe is still going to perform very well. He thinks its going to be alot of low to mid judgeing by the fatness of the chamber. We will see when i get to AZ.
I would really like to get a handful of people to ride this ski that have boats of this cal.
I want to compare it to other high dollar boats and compare notes, pick up, handleing, power range, prop specs.. ect. So far Roo and superramjet are on the list.
Thanks for the props Shonuff, slow but shore!


Life's a beach
Leicester MA
Ski should be at wf in the eme booth. Still trying to find the best way to get it down there


not what I heard. I heard some big time pro scouted you and is paying to get you and your ski there and putting you in a hotel for 2 weeks. supposedly he wants you to compete in the WF and see how you do. kinda funny because you havent ridden this thing yet, hard to scout someone who doesnt perform yet and hasnt even done a roll or flip yet :pokey: :splatt:
Is this a joke? What u heard...U dont even know any other jetskiers other than myself.
Is ur source my x girlfriend u nerd! Trust me if i was riding down with malone, or a key player id be bragin about it. As far as the rolls and the backflips yes.. 90% of the members here know i havnt completed those tricks as iv stated that in my last build that never got completed 24-7 7mm backflip build. Yes i if u look threw that build u will see i spent more time teaching myself how to build parts rather than complete the ski..there 4 i didnt get it done buy the end season. After talking to people and using my own knowlege i realized doing this once and right was the way to go. Oh and when u tell people Will i havnt even done backflips ...ahh retard that is why im building this ski.

Then u say..ha,ha that a pro is putting me in wf..wtf u have to earn that position to get there fag.. u dont just pay 10 bucks and compete.. even so i havnt even ridden this ski yet, and it isnt even tuned, i have know idea what the out come will be. Another thing is wf for freestyle is like 3 days.. what the hell am i going to do for 2 weeks up there? Its more like 2 days up 2 days back 3 days ill be there= 7

Will im really sorry were not friends anymore, but the fact of the matter is i busted my ass to build this ski, lost my girl and being able to see my kids every day..lol which i dont blame all on the ski, cash well spent..because there is no amout on completing dreams. Yes going to wf is true, yes it will be in malonys booth, yes Paul one of my friends will be there to help when he can, and yes it will be a awsome time and cant wait to see other x members there..and there more than welcome to ride this boat when the tuning gets done.
Oh one other thing my pro scout ride is a minivan with my ski inside...2 other friends and camping gear. It is the only way i can get there renting a van, and split the cost 3 ways..
Trust me i wish ur BS flag was true and i was getting all expences payed...Hey maybe they
will somday hope so. My main plan with this ski is to hav fun, bring the kids to freerides,learn as much as i can, rip out some bac to bac backys.lol
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