Nick, sounds like you're on the right track. Sorry to take so long to post, home net connection has been down and not all my clinics have net.
So, the pred is indeed a steroid and will help control the pain by controlling inflamation. Do NOT take any NSAIDS (Aleve, Advil, Tylenol, Naproxen, etc. or their generic equivalents) while on any steroid. It can cause GI ulcers very quickly. The Flexoral is only for the muscle spasms and will not do anything for the pinched nerve itself except to minimize the increase in pinching that the muscle spasms cause. It will usually make you sleepy, but not if your pain is severe enough.
Yep, cold/ice is the way to go for the first 72 hours or so, then alternate heat and cold. The cold helps to minimize the inflammation that occurs with the initial injury, then alternating gets blood flow into the inflammed areas (after the initial overreaction of the body) to get toxins and inflammatory by-products out of there.
It is very important to control the inflammation from the start - the chemicals that are released by the inflammatory process actually increase the inflammation and cause pain directly. Then the pain chemicals trigger more inflammation, more pain, more inflam. etc, etc. Hence, the need to control the inflammation initially. Once you get past the first insult and the over-reaction the body tends to have, the inflammatory process works for you to bring blood in for the healing to take place.
Take your time, as soon as you can, start to strengthen your abdominals and spine muscles. Don't let them cut unless you have pretty significant numbness that won't go away with PT.
At least, this is the advice I would give to a dog owner, hee hee.
Get well soon, bro.