Extreme Back Pain....



So, your doc gave you prednisone (which won't do anything, but possibly reduce swelling or help reduce inflammation if anything), but did not send you for an MRI or x-ray or anything?
What kind of doctor is that?

I said I got x-rays last night....


Nick...you HAVE to get an X ray standing up IMO. We are not normal people.

Jet skis tweak us and you can only see it while standing.

I'm not gonna tell the radiologist how to do their job...


User Title Unavailable
wow, sounds exactly like me up until about a month ago. I've had chronic back pain for about 4 years, and finally got an MRI. I had arthritis already, and so he put me on celebrex. That stuff is basically 6 advils or so, but it wont cause ulcers. My boss recently also threw his back out, and hes pretty screwed now. He has to do physical therapy and is in constant pain. Him not going to the doctor ASAP and ICING his back! Caused the damage to be so much worse.

Hope you feel better


What! What!
Sorry to hear about your pain. Hang in there and trust the doctors. They will get you right. The hardest part is probably waiting for everything to happen. Think positive. Be positive. Know that this will pass, that you will be fine, and you will. I am gonna send my Good Karma Mojo your way brother!


Birmingham, AL
I had the same thing happen to me, knocked me to my knees and had trouble moving after that. Went to the chiro, they took xrays, put electrods on my back muscles giving it a little bit of pulsating current. Then was put on my back on a machine that had a roller that went up and down my spine. The last thing he did was to pop my back while I was laying face down. Went 6 or 7 times and have felt great ever since. I remember fealing a lot better after the first visit.

My insurance, BCBS, had a deductible of like 300 and a cap of 600 a year for chiro or I would go more often.


User Title Unavailable
yea, the electro-therapy is pretty awesome, you feel great leaving, however its expensive as hell! Insurance charges me a hella lot for that stuff.


Thanks sor the kind words..

I just recently got new (better insurance) and it covers most of the cost. Went to the chiro. last night and got elecro stimulation and ultrasound done on my back... Holy ********!!! Anyone who says chiros don't do ******** are completely retarded... the constant pain is gone, but it still is very very sore and I can't really bend or twist at all...

Insurance covered all but 8$ of it and I'm limited to 26 visits or $2500 worth...

I can get accupuncture too... I think I'm gonna try that... sound interesting.

Going back tonight to review the x-rays and continue my therapy according to what the x-rays tell


another thing... they told me to put ice on my back not heat... they said the heat dialates and causes it to throb, while the cold constricts the vessels making it not throb. It brings blood from your core to the cold area to warm it up, making it heal faster... I thought it was the other way around...

Anyway, I will know tonight if I have bone damage... lets hope everything is ok on that side of things so I can concentrate on the muscles
I read somewhere that heat is out in sports medicine.

I don't remember where but the article said ice for everything and heat for nothing these days.


I read somewhere that heat is out in sports medicine.

I don't remember where but the article said ice for everything and heat for nothing these days.

I must have not gotten that memo... he he he


Yeah... I really could care less about riding right now, so there is no problem w/ that.

I just want to be able to ride my bike and get exersize though that method since there is no impact...


Shootin Brapaholics
Glad to hear. Sounds like you found a good one. I forgot about the electro therapy.....That sh**t Ruls right.....always mad my back feel better.

Thanks sor the kind words..

I just recently got new (better insurance) and it covers most of the cost. Went to the chiro. last night and got elecro stimulation and ultrasound done on my back... Holy ********!!! Anyone who says chiros don't do ******** are completely retarded... the constant pain is gone, but it still is very very sore and I can't really bend or twist at all...

Insurance covered all but 8$ of it and I'm limited to 26 visits or $2500 worth...

I can get accupuncture too... I think I'm gonna try that... sound interesting.

Going back tonight to review the x-rays and continue my therapy according to what the x-rays tell

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Nick, sounds like you're on the right track. Sorry to take so long to post, home net connection has been down and not all my clinics have net.

So, the pred is indeed a steroid and will help control the pain by controlling inflamation. Do NOT take any NSAIDS (Aleve, Advil, Tylenol, Naproxen, etc. or their generic equivalents) while on any steroid. It can cause GI ulcers very quickly. The Flexoral is only for the muscle spasms and will not do anything for the pinched nerve itself except to minimize the increase in pinching that the muscle spasms cause. It will usually make you sleepy, but not if your pain is severe enough.

Yep, cold/ice is the way to go for the first 72 hours or so, then alternate heat and cold. The cold helps to minimize the inflammation that occurs with the initial injury, then alternating gets blood flow into the inflammed areas (after the initial overreaction of the body) to get toxins and inflammatory by-products out of there.

It is very important to control the inflammation from the start - the chemicals that are released by the inflammatory process actually increase the inflammation and cause pain directly. Then the pain chemicals trigger more inflammation, more pain, more inflam. etc, etc. Hence, the need to control the inflammation initially. Once you get past the first insult and the over-reaction the body tends to have, the inflammatory process works for you to bring blood in for the healing to take place.

Take your time, as soon as you can, start to strengthen your abdominals and spine muscles. Don't let them cut unless you have pretty significant numbness that won't go away with PT.

At least, this is the advice I would give to a dog owner, hee hee.

Get well soon, bro.


thanks Sharon...

mucho appreciated!!!!
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