Extreme Back Pain....


got a Superjet
Cocoa Beach
Wow:Eyecrazy:! That's some back problem. I've only met you once and it was a pleasure. I hope to ride with ya again sometime.

I thought my open heart surgery was problematic with playing sports after the surgery. But I don't think it's anything compared to severe back problems.

i went to two months of PT three times a week. it help a little the first week or two after that the PT was hurting my back. i dont know anything about sports med and she may have been doing something wrong for all i know. the only reason i kept going is because after my PT she would give me a deep tissue message for my lower back and then put me on a tens unit for about 30 min. i think the message worked better then anything. it really loosened up all my back strain and leg numbness. i forgot the name but my problem was the muscles in my lower back were pulling by spine sideways and pinching nerves and moving disc around.

and btw did i mention she was fine as hell, redheaded and flirted like crazy when i was getting my message. thats prob the real reason i kept going that and my insurance paid damn near all of it.


I really think a massage would be very helpful to me, I just have not looked into it...


Power and Agility
I really think a massage would be very helpful to me, I just have not looked into it...

From what I know, they cost 45-60 per hour but they are worth every penny for the amount of relief that you get.

Now if you find that actually helps your condition, then its probably muscle related. More than often, back problems are due to muscle imbalances where in most cases, your glutes(the butt muscles) are shut off and the low back and hamstrings have to do all the work to support your body which leads to lots of stress and compression on the low back muscles and knee pain is also common w/this condition.

Usually if the massage therapist is good, they can tell you what is the main cause of the pain and give you a tennis ball remedy to do 1-2 times a day to get rid of the pain or keep it from happening again.


I really have never felt so pathetic in my life... I have no confidence in my back at all, I'm afraid to do anything to cause that pain to come back.... My back feels like it's just one twist or bend from being complete pain again... I'm not doing anything at all until I talk to a Neuro Surgeon... I have no clue what to do or who to trust.... This is the biggest pile of sh*t I have ever had to deal w/ physically...

So many people giving me different advice.... I don't know what to think... My life consists of sitting on the couch... I went and shot Saturday and that pretty much took all I had for the day... No stamina or anything going on anymore.... I am sleeping by 9pm every night and still wake up tired and ********ty feeling...


Yes it sucks but the last thing you need is to get more depressed. Try and fine something to keep you occupied and just look at it as a year off from riding. Not the end of the world. Hang in there


yeah... I hear ya... It's just so difficult to be positive when you have nothing to look forward to.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
You might be surprized at what PT can do when you reach that point. I told you my hubby had back problems. He has such severe pain he was home for a week. He's never taken a week off, even with the flu. Heck a chipped bone in his ankle didn't even keep him home for a day.

The PT got him gradually feeling better (over about 3-4 weeks) and now he has no pain from it. He had a partially slipped (extruded) disc, but the exercises they showed him actually help the disc go back into place and keep it there.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, Nick. Get through all the testing and consults and follow the doc's advice. Get a 2nd or 3rd opinion if you need, so you feel comfortable with any decisions you need to make about surgery, etc. Most will want to try PT first.

Hang in there, I know you can do it. Athletes are far more likely than the average person to make it through stuff like this and get completely back to normal. Your body is stronger and more balanced than average. You're just not used to being laid up. Give yourself some time and take care of yourself! Find a doc you can trust and listen to them! It WILL get better. Trust in yourself, too, and the bodies remarkable ability to heal.


yeah... I'm sorry, I'm just a whiney bitch sometimes... I'm all better now

......I just want to get started rehabing... the waiting to know is really annoying


got a Superjet
Cocoa Beach
You'll pull through. After I had open heart surgery I was back in the water kitesurfing 8 weeks later. :bananapowerslide: You'll get back. Stay as active as possible.
Athletes do have an advantage in surgeries. Plus if you have to have surgery the nurses will be nicer to you because your in good shape.



makin' legs
I really have never felt so pathetic in my life... I have no confidence in my back at all, I'm afraid to do anything to cause that pain to come back.... My back feels like it's just one twist or bend from being complete pain again... I'm not doing anything at all until I talk to a Neuro Surgeon... I have no clue what to do or who to trust.... This is the biggest pile of sh*t I have ever had to deal w/ physically...

So many people giving me different advice.... I don't know what to think... My life consists of sitting on the couch... I went and shot Saturday and that pretty much took all I had for the day... No stamina or anything going on anymore.... I am sleeping by 9pm every night and still wake up tired and ********ty feeling...

My brother and I have both been water ski distance jumping for going on 30 years and he ended up w/two herniated discs. His pain sounds similar to yours. His solution after working with a GOOD PT has been stretching, no more jumping, and picking what physical activities he does. He used to run a lot and now rides his road bike instead. He can still ski, but doesn't jump. He's an engineer so he sits at his desk all day and that was causing a lot of problems too. He ended up getting a special chair that was tailored around his measurements and needs and that's helped also. I can find out where he got it. I know he really likes it. As long as he's careful with what he does he's in pretty good shape now. Hopefully you can rehab back into riding shape. Good luck!:cool:



My brother and I have both been water ski distance jumping for going on 30 years and he ended up w/two herniated discs. His pain sounds similar to yours. His solution after working with a GOOD PT has been stretching, no more jumping, and picking what physical activities he does. He used to run a lot and now rides his road bike instead. He can still ski, but doesn't jump. He's an engineer so he sits at his desk all day and that was causing a lot of problems too. He ended up getting a special chair that was tailored around his measurements and needs and that's helped also. I can find out where he got it. I know he really likes it. As long as he's careful with what he does he's in pretty good shape now. Hopefully you can rehab back into riding shape. Good luck!:cool:


Wow, I can live w/ that...
That's exactly how I envision my recovery to be (hopefully)... pretty much stop jumping and just shred... Thanks for the post...

I sit at a desk all day too and was wondering if that caused any problems... I am going to look into another chair..


Just plain me....
Wow, I can live w/ that...
That's exactly how I envision my recovery to be (hopefully)... pretty much stop jumping and just shred... Thanks for the post...

I sit at a desk all day too and was wondering if that caused any problems... I am going to look into another chair..
YES...You need to make sure you are getting up very often to stretch. When I was going thru my many PT sessions, that was the recurring advice from all of the therapists. The more you sit, the shorter/tighter your hamstring/thigh muscles become. This causes more pull & strain on your back. As painful as it sounds right now, you should try to bend at the waist some to stretch those muscles out. Even if you can't touch your toes, it still helps. Keep your knees soft while you're doing it & that will help ease the pain too.


My brother and I have both been water ski distance jumping for going on 30 years and he ended up w/two herniated discs. His pain sounds similar to yours. His solution after working with a GOOD PT has been stretching, no more jumping, and picking what physical activities he does. He used to run a lot and now rides his road bike instead. He can still ski, but doesn't jump. He's an engineer so he sits at his desk all day and that was causing a lot of problems too. He ended up getting a special chair that was tailored around his measurements and needs and that's helped also. I can find out where he got it. I know he really likes it. As long as he's careful with what he does he's in pretty good shape now. Hopefully you can rehab back into riding shape. Good luck!:cool:


YES...You need to make sure you are getting up very often to stretch. When I was going thru my many PT sessions, that was the recurring advice from all of the therapists. The more you sit, the shorter/tighter your hamstring/thigh muscles become. This causes more pull & strain on your back. As painful as it sounds right now, you should try to bend at the waist some to stretch those muscles out. Even if you can't touch your toes, it still helps. Keep your knees soft while you're doing it & that will help ease the pain too.

I really would love to stretch, but that is not even an option right now... I really can't bend at the waist w/o severe pain. Doc told me to wait till after I see the Neuro Sergeon to do anything... I have to stick w/ that now, cause I have already re-injured it once and don't want to do it again...
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