Extreme Back Pain....


Just plain me....
I really would love to stretch, but that is not even an option right now... I really can't bend at the waist w/o severe pain. Doc told me to wait till after I see the Neuro Sergeon to do anything... I have to stick w/ that now, cause I have already re-injured it once and don't want to do it again...
That really sucks...try to walk around then as much as you can. Anything to keep the muscles loose.


That really sucks...try to walk around then as much as you can. Anything to keep the muscles loose.

I am doing some walking... just really afraid to bend too much till I talk to a pro... I'm pretty much pain free right now w/ the occasional spike, but very tolerable and I want to keep it that way... I have not been taking any pain pills for a over almost 2 weeks and just doing the Cyclobenzaprine... (muscle relaxers) to keep the muscles loose
yeah... it came back pretty bad... I am being refered to a Neuro Surgeon...

this is the report:

L 1-2 migrating extruded disc fragment producing impingement and posterior displacement of the left L-1 nerve root as it travereses the left lateral recess superiorily and enters the left nueral formen

L 2-3 tiny posterior central superiorily migrating extruded disc fragment superimposed upon a mild posterior disc bulge. Mild stenosis of the canal and lateral recess

L 3-4 subtle left lateral disc bulge

L 4-5 Mild left postlateral and forminal disc bulge protruding mild stenosis with out definaten nerve root impingment

L 5-S-1 Degerative disc desease w/ small posterior central and left paracentral disc heriation

Wow! This reads just like my 1st MRI over 6 years ago. Sorry dude I know it hurts like a MadaFer! FWIW I cycled thru periods of no pain and intense pain on about a 4 month cycle for a few years until last July when my L4-5 disc ruptured and floored me. I found a doc willing to surgically retrieve the disc fragments but not fuse (bolt together) the vertebra. From what I'd read for peeps with deg. disc fusing causes more stress on the disc above and below and ultimately causes them to fail soon after.

On a side note after my surgery I ran into a sales rep that sells implants to back docs and he told me that I "got a good one." He went on to say that much like auto mechanics there are good and really bad back docs and as a surgical implant sales representative he works with all the docs in the area and sits in on actual surgeries while his devices are being installed. As a result he has seen doctors that freak out and start yelling and cussing if something goes wrong, docs that time them selves to see how fast they can complete a surgery, etc... So my point is, if you choose to have surgery, it might behoove you too track down a sales representative for spinal surgical implants and buy him or her a beer and get a recommendation.

My 2cents!

Good luck!

FYI – I‘m 6 months out of my surgery and have been pain free for the past 30days. I've also resumed regular activity including flat/cold water riding and carrying my 5 year old around Disney World for 5 days!


great advice...

If you don't mind... pm me your number, I want to ask you some stuff.

Wow! This reads just like my 1st MRI over 6 years ago. Sorry dude I know it hurts like a MadaFer! FWIW I cycled thru periods of no pain and intense pain on about a 4 month cycle for a few years until last July when my L4-5 disc ruptured and floored me. I found a doc willing to surgically retrieve the disc fragments but not fuse (bolt together) the vertebra. From what I'd read for peeps with deg. disc fusing causes more stress on the disc above and below and ultimately causes them to fail soon after.

On a side note after my surgery I ran into a sales rep that sells implants to back docs and he told me that I "got a good one." He went on to say that much like auto mechanics there are good and really bad back docs and as a surgical implant sales representative he works with all the docs in the area and sits in on actual surgeries while his devices are being installed. As a result he has seen doctors that freak out and start yelling and cussing if something goes wrong, docs that time them selves to see how fast they can complete a surgery, etc... So my point is, if you choose to have surgery, it might behoove you too track down a sales representative for spinal surgical implants and buy him or her a beer and get a recommendation.

My 2cents!

Good luck!

FYI – I‘m 6 months out of my surgery and have been pain free for the past 30days. I've also resumed regular activity including flat/cold water riding and carrying my 5 year old around Disney World for 5 days!


Have you looked into the Low level Laser therapy yet? For the amount of pain you are in it might be one of the best places to start. It is most effective on patients with extreme pain and next to zero mobility. Your body is still inflammed and now building scar tissue around the damaged areas to protect it. The laser could promote healing without causing further agrivation. Movement is eventually going to be key to your recovery so your going to have to get through it sooner than later and start breaking up that scar tissue. Sitting is to the spine is what sugar is to the teeth.

I'm waiting to see a Neuro Surgeon... I don't know anything about that procedure... this whole thing is kinda confusing... The doctor told me to just chill for now..


makin' legs
This is the company my bro got his chair from. He's gonna look and see if he can find which model he has. He said call and talk to them about your particular needs. It's big bucks but he says it's one of the most important reasons he's feeling pretty good these days.

Dude, I may have some contacts in the area. I sell orthopedic implants and there is a branch of our company that carries neuro spine implants. I know from working in the OR with the surgeons as an assistant there is alot more to a doc than just his/her bedside manor. I can make some calls and at least get a list of hacks and quacks for ya. docs to avoid. I will pm you with my number.
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Dude, I may have some contacts in the area. I sell orthopedic implants and there is a branch of our company that carries neuro spine implants. I know from working in the OR with the surgeons as an assistant there is alot more to a doc than just his/her bedside manor. I can make some calls and at least get a list of hacks and quacks for ya. docs to avoid. I will pm you with my number.

totally freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I may have some contacts in the area. I sell orthopedic implants and there is a branch of our company that carries neuro spine implants. I know from working in the OR with the surgeons as an assistant there is alot more to a doc than just his/her bedside manor. I can make some calls and at least get a list of hacks and quacks for ya. docs to avoid. I will pm you with my number.



things like this really make this site worth it's weight in gold!


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
I have constant extreme back pain because of my profession (flooring mechanic)and my hobby (SJ rider ).
Because the politicians think it's more important to fight a war I have no health insurance so I do not even know what the problem is .

I take motrin all the time and the occasional stronger meds too .
Exercise and stretching is a good way to strengthen your back to prevent possible injuries .

maybe I'll bring you a little something for your pain in a couple weeks :toothache:


thanks darin...noswad!
I have constant extreme back pain because of my profession (flooring mechanic)and my hobby (SJ rider ).
Because the politicians think it's more important to fight a war I have no health insurance so I do not even know what the problem is .

I take motrin all the time and the occasional stronger meds too .
Exercise and stretching is a good way to strengthen your back to prevent possible injuries .

maybe I'll bring you a little something for your pain in a couple weeks :toothache:
If your talking carpet/tile/vinyl, I was also doing some tile yesterday, but think the SJ did me in.
Hope ur feeling better! I forgot to mention that I also found some relief from acupuncture. Honestly, I'm a mechanically minded type of guy and don't give much credence to acupuncture, as I can't rationalize how sticking a few small needled in my skin is going to do sh#$%. But, since my mother is a licensed and practicing acupuncturist I didn't have much choice. But, it definitely did seem to help, with the pain and also with healing time. The only explanation I can come up with is that the trauma caused from the needles causes the body to send more blood to that area to help heal it which also helps heal any other damage in the area. Lastly, she also uses a machine similar to what the Chiropractor used that electrically stimulates the needle while they are in. This provided a lot of short term relief.
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