Just a word of Caution to people out there that have our carrier ( actually ANY carrier) .. IT IS NOT recommended to use a carrier coupled with some off the shelf hitch extension! Some of these " hitch extensions" are up to 18" long and this creates triple if not more leverage once you get to the end of the carrier! When I build an XL carrier i use .300 wall square tubing instead of the normal .250 wall + I add braces and gussets etc. At the end of the day ... it is the end users responsibility to double check weights, applicable laws, ect . We have sold so many carriers in the last few years that we have had to send a disclaimer along with the carrier explaining liabilities ect . ( common sense isnt very common)
I am an overly honest and fair guy and I will tell you ( and will not sell you ) when you are asking for a carrier that is not safe. ( it has happened MANY times.. people want to carry the new 4 seater sit down couches on a carrier !!lol)
ON That note... everyone have a safe and fun weekend . ( STILL OFFERING A 1/2 PRICE CARRIER TO ANYONE THAT CAN GET DECENT PICS OF A HOT LADY(S) IN A BIKINI USING THE EZ-SKI CARRIER TO LAUNCH A SKI!, i am constantly dealing with people that are not convinced that even a petite lady can use our product to SOLO launch a ski ..... MY WIFE loads her own carrier, ski and launches/retrieves it as well. THEY OF COURSE NEED TO BE 18+ YRS OLD AND BE OK WITH THEIR PIC BEING ON WEBSITE(S) FLIERS ETC..( MAYBE EVEN A BILLBOARD LOL) thanks X-H20 .. you guys rock!