If you de-foam don't you need to re foam to keep the fuel from sloshing around?
so do i fill the entire tank with foam? it seems like the more foam, the less sloshing
I would only fill the top half of the tank with foam, cause I don't have a sloshing problem till I get to a half a tank
so what if i already filled my tank with foam, could i cut it open and defoam the bottom half
Why don't they just make motors that run on foam . That 's a stupid idea....... what would add to keep the foam from sloshing around. This whole thread is stupid ...... Come to think of it ...... sloshing means to agitate a liquid. Just be nice to your fuel so it does not become agitated .
You could add foam to keep the foam from sloshin around?
Wouldn't angry fuel make the ski faster?
Im wondering if I ever get water in the foam under my tray, if I put fuel tank foam in it will that keep the water from sloshing around under my tray?
I ran Sea Foam for a few tanks and don't think it helped either. I like the 2 part foam idea. It resists gas according to UScomposties.
Bump...guys im currently refoming my tank....what foam do you reccommend?? I herd lowes had a sale on great stuff....]
Also i hurd that when people refoam they add footholds...would you guys reccommend this also?
If you defoam the fuel, don't you risk having your fuel sink to a watery grave????