Foam in fuel tank?


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
I think it's to keep the tank from sloshing around...

I remember putting gas in a foam cup once. The cup disintegrated within seconds. Never did that again.


'93 750sx

...that hurt my brain reading all that crap.

Tank foam is a special porus foam for fuel tanks that keeps fuel from slamming back and forth in the tank. Without it the fuel in your tank sloshes back and forth with some pretty high forces when you accelerate or turn creating more inertia in the opposite direction you are trying to go(turn left fuel swings to the right side and back because of the acceleration causing your ski to resist turning and laying over left).

I run it in my CRF450 and it makes a big difference.

my .02 worth


Hey guys,

I filled my tank to the top with foam last night. I heard that someone lost their ski because they didnt foam their gas tank, and they turned really hard and the fuel sloshed around soo much, it cracked the ski. Unfortunately, I can no longer fit any gas inside the tank... WHAT DO I DO GUYS!? HELP!!


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Defoam the bottom half.

Why on earth would you have foam in your fuel tank anyways?? That's such a silly idea. It'll get waterlogged and cause the ski to sink.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
I wonder if pool noodles & ping pong balls are fuel resistant.

Nah, you gotta use plastic soda bottles.....

BUT... you have to defoam the tank to put them in, cause the foam that's in there is probably waterlogged and needs to come out.
I vote to make this a sticky in the tech FAQ.

I might start running foam on my new SN build because I might try and back flip/back flop (most likely) and don't want to run out of gas in the air upside down.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Ya'll are all just stupid as hell. The foam is not there to keep the gas from sloshing around. It is there to keep the tank from moving That gas stays still. It is the tank that sloshes around.

Oh, Sorry for the insult.

Really, the foam is there because it is the fuel filter. It collects all the crap as it gets sloshed around.

If the gas did not slosh around then the filters would not work. The side effect is after it filters the gas, there is very little sloshing going on.
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