My FootRocket can do anything. I have it feeding the chickens right now and after that it will be cleaning up the garage for a bit.
My buddy says his Freak just sits on the trailer when it is not being ridden.
Me. Placed my deposit the second week of October. Its currently getting bonded with expected ship date of Feb 8th. I'd talk to Zack Bright, Sounds like he has some coming quick. So it would be 4 months for me.
Damn i gusse i should hurry up and get a FR, That thing sounds like it dose work. But im stil waiting for ur 11 pound hull that can be used to drill for oil and except a air plane prop so i can fly to the freerides.My FootRocket can do anything. I have it feeding the chickens right now and after that it will be cleaning up the garage for a bit.
My buddy says his Freak just sits on the trailer when it is not being ridden.
Good question. I'd like to know, too.