

Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yeah I am going through the same problem with a Jet Ski parts supplier myself. I mean it has been two months and it is an excuse of next week every time I email or call. But the guy was atleast emailing me back until last week. Thanks for reminding me, he is getting a call today!



. As far as Jeff goes.................................I have left him more than 20 voice mails, three or four e-mails and a couple of PM's...................................I guess we are not important enough for a return call. I know several other people either have or are experiencing this problem with him, he needs to fix it or close shop.

unbelievable...:frown: ...hope you guys get it squared away...


are you men the police?
San Angelo, TX
your so sexy when your furious.......................had to do it.:skull2:

OK.........went for a lake test tonight............no go.........if this guy named Jeff at Waterdawg was even remotely close to becoming some sort of decent businessman, we would already have the parts that we paid for.....for example,,bolts, o-rings, domes that are "CUT", customer service, or just f***ing common courtesy towards people,, we could have got this thing going.....instead, we paid him for parts that are not finished and have zero customer support with them....I know, everyone has their own gripe threads, but this guy truly sucks............so, if your listening Jeff, you better hang on to your A$$, because on May the 17th, you will be receiving a phone call from me to inform you that I have already talked to the attorney general of Oregon and I am beginning the complaints on you....shortly there after will be the scheduling with a judge to resolve these issues, since what you have done is felony credit card theft......I highly suggest that you answer your phone on 5/17/07 to try and resolve some of these issues.........and by the way, you know what issues I am talking about,,,,,,and by the way, if you say I am full of BS and you think you are above the law, then you have a long, expensive, rough road ahead of you...
and Jeff, if you are puzzled about this rampage, don't be,,,we have heard every lie in the book from you as to why our parts aren't here and we are tired of it......in closure, fix the f***ing problem or face me in court you piece of sh*t..................so, by the way, my boat won't be going to the TX coast this weekend, everything is done to it except domes, o-rings, and bolts for the head.........thanks alot Jeff, we've only been trying to get these parts for 3 months.............
man guys, that sucks,

you guys busted your ass and still built a bad azz ski, dont forget that

once you get the fine tuning done and the bugs worked out you will still have one of the baddest built skis on the water,

have a fun weekend
Stock pistons will be in on Thursday, we bought a Riva head from SUPERJET-113, so it will be on the water this weekend :woot::woot: Its not going to be the 992cc monster for now :frown: but it will be a hell of a lot more than the 760 he had last year. We'll get the big bore going later on in the summer, right now all we want to do is ride :biggrin:


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Sweet man! Lets see some pics of that bad boy on the water and under the hood. I havent read this whole thread, so I dont know what the specs are on this ski other than you put a 800 in it(Well besides a 33cc domed Riva 800 head lol).
hi guys,

Has anyone try to convert 94waveblaster pump and pump shoe and fit it into fx1?

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