Home Made Vin's Vs. Swaping Vin's


So long and thanks for all the fish
I know Blowsion ran into some serious issues about this years ago, and Chris is good friends with them I believe. There is merit to the argument.

However, it's one of those don't ask, don't tell deals IMO.

There are a lot of things that happen in the world that may be 'right' but technically 'illegal'.
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I know Blowsion ran into some serious issues about this years ago, and Chris is good friends with them I believe, so there is merit to the argument.

However, it's one of those don't ask, don't tell deals IMO.

There are a lot of things that happen in the world that may be 'right' but technically 'illegal'.

well put kinda like paying to get your car through inspection in NJ, even if you have tint, no emissions equipment, and slicks on your.....

its right but technically illegal


My take:
I call the state to find out how i get my home made hull registered..
Me and Robbie went together for our WCF hulls...

State said Make appt. with State police Marine dept.

So we did, they are "handmade or Homemade hull"

THey checked for old vins and went over skis.

Gave us a paper that says they are not stolen.

went to motor vehicle and got Vin and reg numbers.
Done !:bigok:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
well put kinda like paying to get your car through inspection in NJ, even if you have tint, no emissions equipment, and slicks on your.....

its right but technically illegal

My inspection guy doesn't even do an inspection on my vehicle :) Kind of sucks when your vehicle really does need an inspection though... Most places here in WV are suppose to scrape off your inspection sticker the moment you pull into the shop. Then if you fail, they put a failed sticker on your vehicle. I like my way better.

Sorry Skinaked, I thought you lived in OR still based on your side info.
My take:
I call the state to find out how i get my home made hull registered..
Me and Robbie went together for our WCF hulls...

State said Make appt. with State police Marine dept.

So we did, they are "handmade or Homemade hull"

THey checked for old vins and went over skis.

Gave us a paper that says they are not stolen.

went to motor vehicle and got Vin and reg numbers.
Done !:bigok:

you should have just called the cops on the builder and let them sort it out....I mean, come on



Stand up or Shut up!
My take:
I call the state to find out how i get my home made hull registered..
Me and Robbie went together for our WCF hulls...

State said Make appt. with State police Marine dept.

So we did, they are "handmade or Homemade hull"

THey checked for old vins and went over skis.

Gave us a paper that says they are not stolen.

went to motor vehicle and got Vin and reg numbers.
Done !:bigok:

That is the right answer. Not that difficult.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
The guys that listens to this crap and buys the hull. Once the HIN is removed there is not legal way to fix it. It is not a homebuilt hull. The entire process could have been avoided if the HIN was never removed.

You get pulled over on the boat ramp and a inspects you, looses the entire ski. Plus gets arrested for suspected theft. I saw this happen personally on a boat ramp. No matter how you explain the ski is legit you will not get it back.

You might could request for a salvaged Title like you do with cars and trucks. Where you literally built a new vehicle from scratch.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
That is the right answer. Not that difficult.

Not judging if its right or wrong. But the difference here is that the FS-1 gets imported into the US. I am sure to import a legal "boat" with HIN#'s, has to be a moutain of paperwork over importing just a "race only" piece of CF and fiberglass. I doubt think they could get them into the US, at the prices they can... the real way. I do see both sides of the argument.

That said I have also gone through the legal process here in NJ to register a homemade AM hull, the legit way... and overall it was painless. I brought a notebook with pictures detailing the build with the hull and the police signed the inspection forms. Process took under 45mins. I believe I could have registered an FS1 too as homemade, although I would have been more nervious about it.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
besides, I'd rather use an old terlett for a flower pot than an old kawi
you should have seen all the undamaged colored terletts laying around the peninsula after Ike came through.

i have friends that swear they are building their next beach house out of terletts, washing machines and refrigerators as those are the only things that seemed to survive relatively unscathed.
That is the right answer. Not that difficult.

That's the right answer for HERE. Assuming that these are going to Russia, what if there is no provision for bringing in a pwc without a HIN? I don't think you understand international boat registrations. The US is about the only country where you can register a boat to a state. Virtually everywhere else requires you to register a boat to the country itself. I would venture to say that the only reasonable way to get a homemade boat registered overseas is if it was registered with the USCG first. That can only happen when the displacement is 6 tons or greater, so there really isn't a way to do it on a jet ski.

I challenge you to show up somewhere in Europe with a boat or pwc with no HIN and a piece of registration paperwork from a STATE within the United States. Sucks for you when they confiscate your ski and you never see it again. Life is much easier if you were to show up with a real VIN that can be checked for lien and stolen status.

Quit jumping on this like he's making heroine and selling it to little kids. You have no knowledge of why he does it the way he does. Call the guy. He's pretty nice and I'm sure he'd explain it to you. He may not be doing it "the easy way". He may be doing it the ONLY way.
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