Somebody Bought Trash?
Seriously, I have a Brand new SBT crank I bought off Unclehulka that i havent installed yet. We will see...
Be patient and firm Idok. Good luck.
Idok in under Motosurfer:
Ok guys......I appreciate the support, just remember..if this is to be taken se4riously no trashing or sbt jokes.....This thread is linked at their website and hopefully will be seen by the people who count...
here's what you need to do...Take a pic of that crank..with focus on the CENTER BEARING DIVIDER....then do the same with an OEM crank if you can....
please enter YOUR description of the two...same, different...any observations? This could help tremendously....
I spoke 2-3 times today with warranty dept.........First thing they asked was if I could bring the crank to them.....

ummm, no. We already did that!
Second thing I was told was that THEIR tech dept. was "able to make it fit." I told them that I have no doubt in that..anything's possbible with an impact wrench!
At that point I asked for an opinion of someone else in management...I was then told that there was noone else..She was in charge. I said "wonderful!!!" This should be easy to resolve then!
Well..I said I woud speak with the General Manager..She transferred me, and I got hit with voicemail. I then called back to try and speak with warranty and was for some reason unable to get through. The reception girl would transfer me, but either I'd get voicemail again, or just get cut off. So, my best guess is they are having some in-house phone troubles with their transfer system has some bugs in it..:biggthumpup:
The way it endedd up is that I am going to be faxing some FURTHER written documentation of the problem at 10 AM. I will call to confirm the fax at 1030, and will call again after lunch to see that this fax has been read.
stay tuned