How's this for a nights work?


the offender
crank problem???????????

Still haven't heard from Idok or sbt on this. I'm going skiing and will follow up on this Monday morning sharp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Good thing this is a back up motor or some heads would be rolling!!!!!!!I'm out _______________E.:wall:
Somebody Bought Trash?

Seriously, I have a Brand new SBT crank I bought off Unclehulka that i havent installed yet. We will see...
Be patient and firm Idok. Good luck.

Idok in under Motosurfer:

Ok guys......I appreciate the support, just remember..if this is to be taken se4riously no trashing or sbt jokes.....This thread is linked at their website and hopefully will be seen by the people who count...


here's what you need to do...Take a pic of that crank..with focus on the CENTER BEARING DIVIDER....then do the same with an OEM crank if you can....

please enter YOUR description of the two...same, different...any observations? This could help tremendously....

I spoke 2-3 times today with warranty dept.........First thing they asked was if I could bring the crank to them.....:rolleyes: ummm, no. We already did that!

Second thing I was told was that THEIR tech dept. was "able to make it fit." I told them that I have no doubt in that..anything's possbible with an impact wrench!

At that point I asked for an opinion of someone else in management...I was then told that there was noone else..She was in charge. I said "wonderful!!!" This should be easy to resolve then!

Well..I said I woud speak with the General Manager..She transferred me, and I got hit with voicemail. I then called back to try and speak with warranty and was for some reason unable to get through. The reception girl would transfer me, but either I'd get voicemail again, or just get cut off. So, my best guess is they are having some in-house phone troubles with their transfer system has some bugs in it..:biggthumpup:

The way it endedd up is that I am going to be faxing some FURTHER written documentation of the problem at 10 AM. I will call to confirm the fax at 1030, and will call again after lunch to see that this fax has been read.

stay tuned
This is a little rediculous. You've spent the cost of a new crank in time and aggrivation. Hopefully it will get resolved soon and not "cost" you much more. I hear a doc's time ain't cheap.:cool2:
Ok.....Just spoke to the man himself.

Apparently, SBT does NOT manufacture the crank center bearing divider...he referred to it as a "labbe," while tech referred to it as a "fropper."

anyone know these terms? I want to say I have heard "labbe" before, but never fropper......

I asked if it was possible that this divider that I have maybe came off a 66e/65u/ etc.....he called down to tech and had them deliver one up.....He says no.

Bascially he told me that if the divider truly was/is more than .001 fatter (.001 is tolerance I guess) than they would replace my cases, gaskets, seals and either refund the $$ for the crank or..............

So, at this point I am impressed with the fact that I did get a call from the owner of the company within 12 hours of sending them a letter.......

this crank and cases will be making its THIRD trip to SBT here at lunch....


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Awesome, glad to here this and hope it works out well for you (as it should). Hopefully they will take this a step further and double check all current stock and all future ones.


makin' legs
Ok.....Just spoke to the man himself.

Apparently, SBT does NOT manufacture the crank center bearing divider...he referred to it as a "labbe," while tech referred to it as a "fropper."

anyone know these terms? I want to say I have heard "labbe" before, but never fropper......

I asked if it was possible that this divider that I have maybe came off a 66e/65u/ etc.....he called down to tech and had them deliver one up.....He says no.

Bascially he told me that if the divider truly was/is more than .001 fatter (.001 is tolerance I guess) than they would replace my cases, gaskets, seals and either refund the $$ for the crank or..............

So, at this point I am impressed with the fact that I did get a call from the owner of the company within 12 hours of sending them a letter.......

this crank and cases will be making its THIRD trip to SBT here at lunch....

He's referring to the lab seal. Labyrinth seal. It doesn't actually physically seal each cylinder from the other. It effectively seals each side by making the air path so geometrically complex that the conflicting charges don't have time to reach the other side before the pressure reverses. Make sense?:biggthumpup:



ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Like an old Merc outboard crankshaft had.

He's referring to the lab seal. Labyrinth seal. It doesn't actually physically seal each cylinder from the other. It effectively seals each side by making the air path so geometrically complex that the conflicting charges don't have time to reach the other side before the pressure reverses. Make sense?:biggthumpup:


Here's more of what we talked about for any readers that are interested.

1) As for the locater pins in the case, the purpose of the pin is to keep a bearing from spinning. On occasion, these pins are a bit high or the bearing hole is too shallow. This can hold the bearing off the case so that the crank does not fit properly. In this event, we will either press the pin deeper (if it will go), or grind some thousands off the top of the pin. Keep in mind when my crankshaft production manager says that happens sometimes, he builds 15,000 per year. The height of the pin is not so critical as long as there is clearance on top within the hole in the bearing.

2) SBT does not make a labyrinth for this crank. All of the ones we use are recycled from cores. 99.9% are OEM. There is a possibility that we could get a Wiseco or Hot Rod crank and use it's laby. So far, we don't think we have used anything but OE. Today we measured about 50 OE labys. The tolerance is about plus/minus 0.0005". The laby is about 0.001" bigger than the bearing. One that is 0.0035" bigger than the bearing would be out of spec. We have never seen an out of spec OE laby before but I suppose it is possible that Yamaha could have made a defect (or for that matter Hot Rods or Wiseco) and it got into our system. The laby on the SBT crank looks different than the OE crank because it has been blasted clean and has a satin finish instead of polished. But it is nevertheless most likely an OE part.

If indeed you have a crank with a defective laby (or some other part that is causing it to rock) that we failed to catch during your visit, than we will do what it takes to make you happy.

Greg Pickren
Last edited:


Katie's Boss
100% one place


Here's more of what we talked about for any readers that are interested.

1) As for the locater pins in the case, the purpose of the pin is to keep a bearing from spinning. On occasion, these pins are a bit high or the bearing hole is too shallow. This can hold the bearing off the case so that the crank does not fit properly. In this event, we will either press the pin deeper (if it will go), or grind some thousands off the top of the pin. Keep in mind when my crankshaft production manager says that happens sometimes, he builds 15,000 per year. The height of the pin is not so critical as long as there is clearance on top within the hole in the bearing.

2) SBT does not make a labyrinth for this crank. All of the ones we use are recycled from cores. 99.9% are OEM. There is a possibility that we could get a Wiseco or Hot Rod crank and use it's laby. So far, we don't think we have used anything but OE. Today we measured about 50 OE labys. The tolerance is about plus/minus 0.0005". The laby is about 0.001" bigger than the bearing. One that is 0.0035" bigger than the bearing would be out of spec. We have never seen an out of spec OE laby before but I suppose it is possible that Yamaha could have made a defect (or for that matter Hot Rods or Wiseco) and it got into our system. The laby on the SBT crank looks different than the OE crank because it has been blasted clean and has a satin finish instead of polished. But it is nevertheless most likely an OE part.

If indeed you have a crank with a defective laby (or some other part that is causing it to rock) that we failed to catch during your visit, than we will do what it takes to make you happy.

Greg Pickren

Very good info! :biggthumpup: SBT

Mark44 Brap!

One thing I wanted to ask.......You guys sent me a shipping label to get the crank back to you for measurement....

Was this crank measured on either of its 2 previous trips? It has been back to you TWICE already....

also, in looking at the pix I posted up......You mentioned that the sbt laby is blasted..but hasnt the one on the OE crank been machined down on a lathe?
1) We have never seen a defective laby in 10 years of doing this. For that reason, my production guys did not think to measure it. Quite honestly, we are going to be shocked if its too big. Yamaha is very good at such things. Now it could be a Hot Rod or Wiseco laby and that would be a different story. And it's also possible that it is "donut" shaped from getting dropped or something, but we have never seen that either. I am sorry we didn't measure the labby sooner, but it was just not something we thought of at the time.

2) Not sure I understand the question, but yes the OE is turned on a lathe. We blast it clean using an abrasive media that changes the surface finish, but does not change the dimensions (unless it is accidently left in the blasting machine for a week, and it would be smaller, not bigger). And remember, the SBT laby is simply a cleaned up OE laby. We don't make our own.
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