I'm about to cry!


Speak up ,don't kiss azz
Mat,to bypass said start/stop switch take a piece of wire and bend into a u shape and then unplug your switch from the harness and then take the u piece of wire and touch both prongs inside the harness and it should start.I think it's the red and brown wires :biggthumpup:
181/180 psi.

I'll just let her run for a few more 10 minute cycles over the rest of the winter and then I'll take it REAL EASY the first tank.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Black and white together makes the ignition run. Touching the other two makes the starter spin. Once it starts, let go.


I forgot!
black and white are the kill switch and brown and red should be the starter relay. pressing the kill switch opens the connection correct on the black and white
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User Title Unavailable
I thought that it CLOSED the circuit for black/white (black touches white). My ski w/ a broken stop switch runs fine when I unplug this connection, I think its the other way around guys.
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I forgot!
i always thought it was open untill pressed but wasn't sure. it would be safer if its closed and pressing the kill opens it. that way the ski won't start if the kill switch goes faulty.


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
black/white is your stop switch.....it's an open circuit until you press the stop button. Sometimes a faulty switch or corroded connector will prevent a ski from starting due to a short that completes the circuit. Disconnecting the black/white connector will eliminate a faulty stop switch from the equation. essentially, the black/white wires are not required to run the ski...you will just not have a stop switch. Turning down the idle will work to kill the ski.

To start a ski without a switch, jump the red/brown wires with a short lead. This simply engages the starter, and so long as the black/white wires are open, the ski will run. Only jump the starter long enough to start the ski, then remove the lead.

With a broken start/stop switch, the idle adjuster is your friend. Turn it down to kill the ski. The oside crew has more than one ski with broken start/stop switches. Most of them have the stop button wired as the start. Hooking the red/brown wires out of the electrical box to the black/white wires on the switch will accomplish this. It's best to leave teh black/white wires from the box disconnected, as you'd only do this with a broken switch anyway.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Blown motors aren't fun, we all have stories. But after what happen and you suspect damage with such a short riding season is worse! I have a bright flexable wire light that fits down in the spark plug hole and w/ the piston B.D.C. you can view the 90 % of the piston at the cly. wall. I do this alot, evertime I pull a plug. Lou


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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
those lights are sold at walmart as 'book reading lights' near the check out, about $2.50 each I think, my kids use them alot.


Blown motors aren't fun, we all have stories. But after what happen and you suspect damage with such a short riding season is worse! I have a bright flexable wire light that fits down in the spark plug hole and w/ the piston B.D.C. you can view the 90 % of the piston at the cly. wall. I do this alot, evertime I pull a plug. Lou


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Or the dollar store! want to guess how much I paid? Yep, bust off the little "lamp shade" in the vice. Its plastic but the vice is a controled pressure so not to crush the bulb.
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