Captain PegLeg
- Location
- Villa Rica, Ga
Stay away from the skis at all possible!
22 stitches in right shin (botched superman grab in surf, hit shin on corner of 750 SXi Pro tray)
Broken right index finger (blaster 1100 buoy practice)
Dislocated jaw (same as above ^)
Chipped off bone fragments in right ankle (surf)
6 broken toes (180 in surf, hit bottom)
6 stitches on top of head (surf)
sprained right arch (racing standups, got hit)
This is way safer than riding/racing MX!
Yes, I wear a helmet now. I was wearing one when I dislocated my jaw (imagine if I wasn't) This is over the last 20 years of riding, so IMO not bad if you compare to MX injuries.
Nasty one today. Bailed out on a failed backflip off a boat wake and the ski landed on me. The bond rail by the nose hit my forearm.
What, you didn't have any duct tape? Couldve kept riding.Nasty one today. Bailed out on a failed backflip off a boat wake and the ski landed on me. The bond rail by the nose hit my forearm.
What, you didn't have any duct tape? Couldve kept riding.