Other Injuries Due to Riding a Stand Up..


formerly kawirider142
Thanks man. I called two specialists but my stupid health care plan requires a referral from my physician so none of them will allow me to schedule an appointment. I'm getting super pissed off about it. If I go back to my doctor she is gonna be pissed if I tell her I don't trust her judgement. I guess my only other option is find a new doctor and go in right away telling them I just need a referral to see a specialist lol. Thanks Obama for effing up the entire health care system. I used to have a great plan with this same company......

ohhhh sounds liike an HMO .... no good
Got a new one this past weekend while attempting idle flips. I have no idea how the bar got me in the face, but I have a large bruise on my forearm as well. I believe my left hand slipped off, ski landed on top of me, left bar end grabbed my arm right before smashing my face. I had my helmet on too, but it got through the open part. Broken orbital, concussion, 6 stitches. Any closer and my eye would be in worse condition. Wrap those bar ends!!!

After 7 days and little improvement I'd go for a second opinion.

I fell off my ski after a hard fall a few years ago. First doc told me the same thing, just rest it and take some ibuprofen. I went to a specialist a few days later after no improvement and it turned out I fractured my shoulder. Ended up in a sling for a month and a few months of physical therapy.

Feel better good sir!
Finally got an appointment with a sports medicine doc, had an MRI done, and got the results read today. He said I have a severe sports hernia that will require surgery. He said it would have never healed on its own. from what i gathered between medical terminology, he told me my muscle has separated from the bone completely and the tendon in my groin is barely attached to the bone by a thread and I have fluid behind the muscle. recovery time after surgery is 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately he said I should go to a surgeon who specializes in that area so I called to make an appointment. The soonest i could be seen for a consultation is august 20th, then after that im sure he wont have an opening for surgery for another 4 weeks, then 8 weeks of recovery time. my whole summer is shot. i might as well winterize the skis now. SON OF A B$#@%!!!!!!!


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
Finally got an appointment with a sports medicine doc, had an MRI done, and got the results read today. He said I have a severe sports hernia that will require surgery. He said it would have never healed on its own. from what i gathered between medical terminology, he told me my muscle has separated from the bone completely and the tendon in my groin is barely attached to the bone by a thread and I have fluid behind the muscle. recovery time after surgery is 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately he said I should go to a surgeon who specializes in that area so I called to make an appointment. The soonest i could be seen for a consultation is august 20th, then after that im sure he wont have an opening for surgery for another 4 weeks, then 8 weeks of recovery time. my whole summer is shot. i might as well winterize the skis now. SON OF A B$#@%!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear that bud...glad you got that 2nd opinion!
Finally got an appointment with a sports medicine doc, had an MRI done, and got the results read today. He said I have a severe sports hernia that will require surgery. He said it would have never healed on its own. from what i gathered between medical terminology, he told me my muscle has separated from the bone completely and the tendon in my groin is barely attached to the bone by a thread and I have fluid behind the muscle. recovery time after surgery is 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately he said I should go to a surgeon who specializes in that area so I called to make an appointment. The soonest i could be seen for a consultation is august 20th, then after that im sure he wont have an opening for surgery for another 4 weeks, then 8 weeks of recovery time. my whole summer is shot. i might as well winterize the skis now. SON OF A B$#@%!!!!!!!
The new doc I went to is specialized in this injury. Surgery is scheduled sep 11th and then I have a 90% chance of full recovery within 8-12 weeks. I guess 10% of guys never fully recover from this particular tear.... Thats not encouraging but I dont have any other option. Gonna get the skis out next sunday for one last easy ride at the local meet and greet. Havent been on a ski since the injury. As long as I dont fall I should be fine.
The new doc I went to is specialized in this injury. Surgery is scheduled sep 11th and then I have a 90% chance of full recovery within 8-12 weeks. I guess 10% of guys never fully recover from this particular tear.... Thats not encouraging but I dont have any other option. Gonna get the skis out next sunday for one last easy ride at the local meet and greet. Havent been on a ski since the injury. As long as I dont fall I should be fine.
How did things turn out for you ok ?
How did things turn out for you ok ?
I had the surgery last Friday. He basically said that my muscle was ripped off of the bone and my tendon (or ligament...i get them confused) was pulling it away from the bone so it couldn't heal itself. The surgery he recommended was cutting that tendon to release it from the muscle and that would hopefully allow the muscle to heal itself from the original injury. Recovery from surgery should only be about another week but I feel great. Allowing the original injury to heal should be about 8-12 weeks after I start the exercises he will give me.

Thanks for asking!
Working in the healthcare industry and reading many of these stories my only question is do some of you guys have a serious death wish!?! I have had a couple nasty injuries snowboarding (broke shoulder in 3 places), and it mellowed me out immediately in all of the extreme sports I partake in. Some of you go back for more :rolleyes:


John Tetenes @Jtetenes
Long Island
Working in the healthcare industry and reading many of these stories my only question is do some of you guys have a serious death wish!?! I have had a couple nasty injuries snowboarding (broke shoulder in 3 places), and it mellowed me out immediately in all of the extreme sports I partake in. Some of you go back for more :rolleyes:

Adrenaline is like a drug. It's impossible to get off it.


My home away from home.
Dirt and snow hurt. That's also why I like jet skiing so much.

That being said I'm getting back into mountain biking this summer and already back into snow skiing.

Jet skiing is awesome, but my adrenaline addiction is best fed on snow and dirt. 47 and still sending it!

It all comes down to what puts a smile on YOUR face. Not everybody else's.

If you're having fun, you're doing it right. Doesn't matter what everyone else is doing.


Buy a Superjet
Working in the healthcare industry and reading many of these stories my only question is do some of you guys have a serious death wish!?! I have had a couple nasty injuries snowboarding (broke shoulder in 3 places), and it mellowed me out immediately in all of the extreme sports I partake in. Some of you go back for more :rolleyes:

Pain is just weakness leaving the body. Stay in shape, do your rehab and learn from your mistakes. ;)
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