Is your computer safe from Conficker?


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
FYI: 'conficker', they think, is a combination of the 2 words configuration and 'fick' (which is the german equivalent of fu**. So, it roughly translates to "configuration ficker". :biggrin:

Rumor is going around that conficker is laying dormant (on the infected PCs) until April 1st.

Anyways, make sure you have windows kb 921883 installed. That will fix the hole conficker is taking advantage of. The malicious removal tool released in February 2009 will remove it. It can also be removed by AVG and a host of other antivirus programs, assuming they are kept up to date.

Let's hope U guys don't have it.


Lexington, KY
I've been spending my day looking through firewall logs and network sniffers to see if this thing is creeping around our network...................and browsing x-h20.......


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
There's an easy way to tell if your computer's infected.

It disables, among other things, windows automatic updates.

Just make sure all computer on your network have all updates installed (using MIE of course) and you'll be fine.

1 windows kb fixes the vulnerability and another removes the virus.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
I talked to the local computer shop, and they informed me it doesn't just turn off windows update, it disables the windows update service from starting.

So if you can update windows at all, you're probably not infected.
I have set up a test machine with zero protection and XP service pack 1 only. LOL. Let er rip....I look forward to seeing it in action.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Check the system32/drivers/etc/hosts and make sure it's blank. (Unless you're using spybot)

Make sure you can ping .


im using spybot. I cant ping

Im gonna bring it into my network+ class tomorrow. should be fun.
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How did I get here?
Fort Worth
If you had conficker on your machine, you'd best check your bank/paypal accounts and change ALL passwords.

Hackers can see all key presses on infected machines.
I have not heard that yet. A configuration f_cker is not a key logger.

I just set up a stripped out Millennium machine too. Nothing yet. Tomorrow morning I am gonna try my best to get this sucker and see how it works.

I'll think I'll just type "porn" in to google and start surfing. And I'm gonna dload limewire tunes for a few hours. LOL.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Check out the '60 minutes' segment on it. They showed a demonstration of the worm and ALL key presses appeared on the 'hackers' computer. EDIT: All in real-time.

If you're trying to get infected, word is that youtube is full of infected videos .
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Thanks GER I missed that. I'll try to find the 60 minutes vid now. So now we know what it is up to at least.

I can't wait to see this thing infect and go to work. They always amaze me.
I'm such a nerd. I am staying up late tonight to try and get infected.

No luck yet. I have system 32 open on a nice clean install with zero security. I'm searching you tube vids and dloading tunes on limewire.

I'm hoping I can become infected and just after midnight watch this thing go to work. They just keep getting better.

I am hoping for the worst which in my opinion is the realtime creation of a hidden partition on the hard drive.

Come on baby!!!


Damn, my girlfriends computer is infected too! WTF! Better act quickly, 10 hours and counting.

Can I reset my clock in BIOS to delay this beast from setting off? I go to school in a couple hours so we'll see what I can do.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Put AVG on the infected computers and (after updating) scan the whole computer.

AVG is reported to remove that worm.

Then U can get the update problem fixed later.

WRX Dave

Freestyle poser
Tried to update and I get this:

The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.

I don't know much about computers, but I assume this is bad.
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