Kennay's 760 powered Squarenose total rebuild


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
THE TRAY IS GLASSED IN!!!!!!!!! ITS A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alot of sanding to do as well as prep work for paint... should be a fun week. NOT.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
It officially has a date at the painters shop st up for this coming Tuesday if I can make it before they close, and Wednesday at the latest. He said he could get somebody on it and probably have it done by Monday (June 2nd.)

I might still go with a battleship grey color with no clear, but if he can get it at a not too killer price... It's going to be Anti-freeze Green... it's a PPG Vibrance series paint.

woot woot:djsmilie::djsmilie::djsmilie::djsmilie:


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I know that no one likes to spill the beans on this around here, BUT, how much did you decide was average for a paint job?


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Well, I went to my PPG store, and they quoted me like 80 bucks for all the primer, hardener, and paint that I would need to do it myself. From there it would be random crap to also buy...

No idea on a price. A customer of mine owns abody shop, and he is only charging me for the labor to pay his painter, and the materials. I am expecting less than 500. I don't know where. I will report back with the price.... and due to delays (I won't go into details, it's mostly just bad luck), the ski won't be going to the painter until the beginning of next week.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Over the last couple weeks I have pretty much decided on a shade of grey. I am going to look at their colors before I pick a final. My thought on it is, that since it will be non-metallic, It will be easy to touch up and buff out, it will be cheaper, and it will look good with just plain old black vinyl stickers, and white reg. numbers.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I didn't make it to the painter Tuesday, Wednesday, or today, but damn it, it's sitting in the driveway all washed off and strapped down to go to work with me tomorrow, and then to the painters when I get off. :sneaky:


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
It's gone.

It's the ******** up up n out ma' driveway.

I can't look out my door and see it.

I couldn't go out and work on it if I wanted to.

It's 30 minutes away.

For a week I won't have to worry about getting up early to work on it.

I won't have to plan out in my head what I am going to do to it over the weekend.

My garage doesn't even smell like epoxy anymore.

It's gone

-Kenneth Ivey

too bad it's going to be back in a week... should be back with some new shoes though :sneaky:
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