Kennay's 760 powered Squarenose total rebuild


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Just some pics from the scupper install, and from today...

I will have some foamed and finished pics tomorrow. I am about to go out and start pouring foam in the cracks, sand that all down, and then finish up some sanding/grinding in the tray area while I am at it. The footholds are overlapping in the pics, but won't be after I do a little more trimming. :)

I forgot to take a pic of the tray after I finished foaming both sides... I will snag one before I start pouring foam tonight.

The Ski Clinic Scupper is SICK! (And yes I mounted it a tad crooked DOH )


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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Thanks! The other side pretty much looks the same, and damn it I didn't take a pic of the other side before I poured some foam in there. Should be able to pour the rest and sand it all by tomorrow night.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Thanks dude.

I am about to go out now and fill in a fewe more voids with 2 part foam, and then it will be time to sand it all down smooth and get ready to pour foam around the holds.

And I am about to be living water front (Intercoastal waterway... 15 minute ride by water to the inlet), complete with 2 boat lifts, and a hoist, as well as a 60ft dock here very soon. One of my buddies' mother lives alone, and she wants me to rent out her boat house (2 bedroom, one bath)... 250 a month everything included, and I can use anything I want.. pool, jacuzzi, anything. It's going to be pretty sweet to come home from work, walk out on the dock, and lower the ol' sj in the water for a ride. I can't freakin wait for this thing to be done.
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Thanks dude.

I am about to go out now and fill in a fewe more voids with 2 part foam, and then it will be time to sand it all down smooth and get ready to pour foam around the holds.

And I am about to be living water front (Intercoastal waterway... 15 minute ride by water to the inlet), complete with 2 boat lifts, and a hoist, as well as a 60ft dock here very soon. One of my buddies' mother lives alone, and she wants me to rent out her boat house (2 bedroom, one bath)... 250 a month everything included, and I can use anything I want.. pool, jacuzzi, anything. It's going to be pretty sweet to come home from work, walk out on the dock, and lower the ol' sj in the water for a ride. I can't freakin wait for this thing to be done.

About that lake house situation. You suck.

J/k man, that is awesome, I'd love to live waterfront especially at 250 a month.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
About that lake house situation. You suck.

J/k man, that is awesome, I'd love to live waterfront especially at 250 a month.

Oh, it's not a lake house thank god! It's on the waterway... all I have to do is lower the ski in the water, hop on, and ride 15 minutes to the ocean :notworthy:

Needless to say I am in a good ass mood at the moment :D

And back to the build, It's all foamed, all I have to do is let it finish hardening up, and then it's time to sand. :drive:


I forgot!
did you happen to test any of that pink foam? i know in canada the pink is for above grade and the blue is meant for below grade where it is subjected to moisture and freezing. i had some pink, some blue in my ski last year and i sold it to a friend who assured me that the pink did hold water, not much but it did hold water. the blue was dry. not sure if your pink is the same as our pink or if it is like our blue. I know smitty tested this a couple years back with a pail of water in his garage and a brick on a peice of blue. i bet it is still in there somewhere. lol.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
It is guaranteed waterproof building insulation foam. Extruded polystyrene.
They didn't have anything but that pink stuff, and I bought the best I could find.

Besides, with drainplugs it doesnt matter if it holds water or not.
It won't have time to.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
What Matt said ;)

Except for my drain plugs will consist of the largest stainless screws I can find, with a little dab of silicone at the heads every time I reinstall them. ;)


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
So I'm a pic whore... sue me... I can't post as much as Matt, so I take pics of useless crap instead :D

Stages are self explanatory..... :arms:

Going to finish trimming a little on the ski so everything lines up perfectly, sand that paint off around the tray.. cut some slits in the top of the sides, and pour some foam in there tomorrow.

I am planning on cutting some pieces of 2x4 for support to keep the tray from bubbling in when the foam expands, and yes I am planning on pouring it in small amounts. I was also thinking of smearing something like an 1/8" layer of cabosil under the entire tray area before I screw it down before the foaming tomorrow.... that way it can fill in all the unevenness, and help glue the tray in from the underside to the top of the pump area, and my flange in the front. :sneaky:


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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
And looks like tomorrow will be foam and glass day on the tray! ******** yea!

I ran out of cabosil, so that very back gap is about 10:1 cabosil to microballoons... damn that maroon takes over with the color! I only added a little to finish it off.....

I laid a thin layer (20 pumps of epoxy and 20 pumps or hardener, and a shat ton of cabosil....) to get it all even and to glue it to the exposed lip in the front, and the area above the pump in the back and to the foam, even though that won't be much, it will still fill in the spaces and what not..., then I screwed the tray in there with it all wet and squishing out everywhere....

Tomorrow I need to cut slits or drill holes to pour the foam in... which would you do? holes or slits?

And a disclaimer to the new guys using this for reference, YES I did sand all that paint off of the where the bulkhead is at the front of the tray... never glass over paint unless you absolutely have to.
Her are a couple pics of it all trimmed up, and then curing.... damn that grinder is going to love that cabosil tomorrow tehehehe


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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC

Looks like I will be spending my Friday night with my beotch here... sanding foam and then glassing this ********.... it's about time. Amen.

Before I took the pic I cleaned it up a little.. she was messy


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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I'm still sort of staring at it... I'm a bit nervous about glassing it for max strength.

Give me some input on this if you could...

Floor of tray= fill gap with cabosil, and lay 2 layers of 1708 down in the shape of the floor... let it tack, and then turn it on it's side, and from the turf line on the top of each gunwale to a slight overlap on the floor layers, lay 2 layers of 1208 down each side (I'd use 17, but I don't have enough.) obviously letting it tack and then repeating on the other side..
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