Surfriding Kevins Area 51 super surf hull TWEEKER X-TREME build ....... maybe

Well , its been a while .... My Meth Lab broke down and has been taking all my time. Got a little done tonight .

Pic 1 : Re doing the bond rail I decided to flange the outside as well as the inside . When the two hull halves are together one last layer of reenforcement will be added.

Pic 2 : Out side 8 oz layers

Pic 3 Used high quality duck tape to use as a form release . I taped a 1/8 inch spacer on to the outside of the flange so I'd have a little clearance when putting the hulls together .


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I forgot!
i am basically impressed. getting your meth lab back up and running and still time to work on the ski. its a huge project.
what are you naming it? yamaha sportfish. i got a yamaha mudcat 771. it works almighty.

I was in the USMC ... how about Simperfreek .

Enough silliness , back to business cuz this is serious stuff .

Let my flange cure two days . What do you know ! it separated . I'll do some trimming and build the rear of the top deck today the same way . For those of you that forgot i slid the top deck forward 1.5 inches so I have a small gap to fill at the rear.

The weight is at 86 LBS with on finnal bit of reinforcement to be done when the hull is together ( just the traditional reinforcement ).

Question 1 :

The metal R+D pump shoe is 2.5 pounds . I can drop about 2 pounds with a stock shoe .

Question 2 : The stock bulk head comes in at 4 pounds I can drop about 2 pounds with an XFT bulk head I have ( and a lot of work )

What would you do ? I'm leaning toward taking the 2 pounds with the stock shoe and hitting the easy button . Actually the stock bulkhead seems much stronger , of course it's about 2 inches thicker and weighs twice as much.


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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Forget about saving weight. I've been there (and beyond)! Put the stronger shoe in, and you won't need to replace it later. A little weight isn't a bad thing, she'll just be a "heathy" girl.

Just thought of something.....with your topdeck moved fwd 1.5" will a b-pipe clear the hoodseal lip?? Most dry pipes won't. I know I know, where was I two weeks ago.
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ER .... UMMM...UGH.... I measured a while back when I decided to move it. Now would be thetime to take another look to make sure. Thanks for the reminder.
Well since the lab is up and running I have more timeandenergy and itseemslike I can doanything and nevergettired I'm like a totally Jetmaniacmanic builder going to play with thekidsnow looks like rain ....


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We have had a one heck of a building day . As these things go I have stumbled on an an idea . I was not liking the front transition it needed a " tweak " .

Pic 1 Dam up the front 2 pound foam . May switch over to styrene

Pic 2 !/4 view here id where it gets interesting .... what if you carried this filled area another 6 inches or so maybe more then faded into tubbies ? May switch over to styrene if I decide to do this . This would defiantly be something new . It should make the front end virtually un perl-a-ble and add a lot of surface area to the nose for lift . It may even revolutionize the sport . Hell it might even spontaneous backflip on the trailer or do barrel rolls in parallel universes .

Pic 3 Head on you can really see the volume / surface area

pic 3 Erector set ..... we are on step 26 and we are adding rocker to that as well


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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Kev...that thing is looking great. Get that done and bring it up to Maconga. Wasup with the newest toy?


I forgot!
i like the idea of blending in the front to match up with sponsons. i would also like to see the xft bulk head in only because my buddy did it and it is very nice. your more than capable of getting it in there proper. on my front sponsons i made from sytrene i added width to the front for you idea of thinking, but i made a mistake and made a sharp edge that i found out kills the gay hood tricks. ,maybe that was a good thing. i have some pics in my build thread for reference. you seem to know what you want to do. i know what i am going to change on my sponsons this winter to fix my design flaws. i also have the metal pump shoe that i hope to install. i am hoping to open it up a bit for a 148 pump and that is why i got it. my oem one has been cracked and repaired for far too long anyways.
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