ksarge's superjet build

Yea, when you buy a topdeck conversion say from XFT, they include a lip mold. I have cut a lot of material off of this ski lol. No going back now!

The pole should sit a lot more flush with the hood now.

Are you going to defoam at all or just wait until next year?

I'm thinking I'll get to re-foaming in february or march. We'll see.
sounds good. If you need help lemme know. It's a lot easier than you think with the right tools.

I'm not worried about it being hard. Trust me, I have absolutely no problem cutting big arse holes in my ski and glasswork dosen't scare me, haha. I just realllyyyy reallllyyyyy hateeeeee turfing. It's really gonna come down to if I have the extra hundred laying around after the head and pipe. If I don't get it done this winter I'll probably just knock it out sometime in the summer. It shouldn't take more than a few days. I've been contemplating widening my tray like yamaslut did. Not this year for sure. But maybe next year if I feel more comfortable doing so. I don't really trust my glassing skills yet but I'm learning.

Anyway, I got a lot done today. Both sides are reinforced as well as the pole bracket area. Everythings masked off in the engine compartment and it's going all white tomorrow.

I cut the rear flange off one side. Gonna do the other tomorrow. Not really sure why I did this. Mostly because I was bored and I like to cut stuff up. I have trim but it worked fine with the tray just notched. I think it looks cool though. If any body knows what the purpose of doing this is please let me know, until then I'll put it under the category of "weight savings"


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Got some more done today. Painted the engine bay. Installed all the tank and waterbox hooks and pads. Started some assembly. Made a hoodseal out of turf. Can't afford an OEM one at the moment and I talked to a guy who did this and he said it worked great. Rear flange is completely trimmed.


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Took the pump apart and I was wrong about the impeller. It's a solas concord but it's a 13/17. I'm thinking it should be alright for this set-up. Maybe it would work better cut back? Never had a problem with cavitation before and it seems to have pretty good low end. Any thoughts??
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That's a great impeller. If it is still in good condition I wouldn't worry about it, otherwise send it to impros to have it refinished.

If you want to spend some $$ get a hooker 9/15


Squares For Life
South Carolina
And i thought i was the only one who wore fuzzy slippers while workin in the shop...(post #107 pic #4) hehe! I clipped back the plug wires on the 550 and it now runs like a champ...go figure.
And i thought i was the only one who wore fuzzy slippers while workin in the shop...(post #107 pic #4) hehe! I clipped back the plug wires on the 550 and it now runs like a champ...go figure.

Haha, you can't beat mocs!!! And been there done that with the plug wires. Always nice when it's something simple like that
how did the wdk pole bracket work out for ya? It looks like a nice piece

It's very nice. Dosen't pop out above the nosepiece at all and is super beefy. I'll actually be proud of myself if I manage to ever break it. Ordering some pinch bolts for it this week from either X-metal or RRP and making a backing plate that will cover the entire area on the underside the bracket covers up top. I don't feel like the stock backing plates are big enough.
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Weighed the hood today. 14.1 pounds. This was with the liner. handcups glassed in and all the hardware attached. No baffles yet, but I'm using pool baffles and they don't weigh much. I weighed the liner twice since it's getting a second layer, so this number may be off a few ounces

ehhhhh... Not bad I guess. It was 17.5 with the old mods. Not sure how much a stocker ways from the factory. Seems pretty strong. I have some pics of the liner and handcups somewhere, I'll get them up soon.
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Re-foaming next. I have thursday and sunday off and I'm gonna leave school early today with absolutely nothing to do. I'd like to have the tray glassed back in by monday. A local guy said he has some poly foam layin around, if it's not what I'm looking for hopefully I can find some locally. We'll see. Gonna go warm up the die grinder, it's go time! I'm hoping I can ditch thirty pounds here. My goal weights 295 RTR/ no gas. New foam (30 lbs), hood (3.5 lbs), lightweight battery (6 lbs), I think I can get it. Pretty sure I was around 330 last season w/ battery and extinguisher. What are these guys that are at like 275-280 with stock hulls doing?

Hey Bob,

do you have a list of what you needed to do the polystyrene?

I'm thinking reinforce the sides and bottom with 1 layer, then shape fit in as many poly blocks as I can. Then pouring 2 part behind the holds and in the gaps.
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And russ, if they're not sold already and mine end up breaking on the way out or something I might take those REVS off you. Hope I don't need too cause I love my 24/7's but we'll see. I installed them when I knew absolutely nothing about glass work so it'll be interesting to see how $hitty of a job I did on them. No wonder my foam's soaked, pretty sure I just screwed them in and layed one layer of bondo mat over top with poly resin, haha. NEWBBBBBB


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Re-foaming next. I have thursday and sunday off and I'm gonna leave school early today with absolutely nothing to do. I'd like to have the tray glassed back in by monday. A local guy said he has some poly foam layin around, if it's not what I'm looking for hopefully I can find some locally. We'll see. Gonna go warm up the die grinder, it's go time! I'm hoping I can ditch thirty pounds here. My goal weights 295 RTR/ no gas. New foam (30 lbs), hood (3.5 lbs), lightweight battery (6 lbs), I think I can get it. Pretty sure I was around 330 last season w/ battery and extinguisher. What are these guys that are at like 275-280 with stock hulls doing?

Hey Bob,

do you have a list of what you needed to do the polystyrene?

I'm thinking reinforce the sides and bottom with 1 layer, then shape fit in as many poly blocks as I can. Then pouring 2 part behind the holds and in the gaps.

I would just reinfroce the sides and the rear. I am going to fit the foam and then possibly pour 2lb foam to mend everything and for support under the tray. If you are going to just use poly under the tray I would lay 12oz for support.

I plan on filling the gunwhales with 2lb after the holds are in. Still working on drain ideas.
Alright, I think that's what I'll do. Turf's gone and the holds came out easy. Bottom of one needs a minor repair but no biggie. Smooth sailin!!

To say my foam is wet would be an understatement. A small fish could've lived behind my footholds
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